我在这里告诉背景,我有一个条件,其中我有数据集A,数据集B和数据集C.数据集A是父级&其余的是孩子,我必须合并数据集B&数据集A中的数据集C wrt loanmasterid .
Hi friends i am getting outofmemoryexception, Here is my code which is in italic i have to optimized these nested loops to avoid the exception.
I am telling the background here ,I have a condition in which i have Dataset A,Dataset B and Dataset C.Dataset A is parent & the remaing are childs,I have to merge Dataset B & dataset C in Dataset A wrt loanmasterid.
case Constants.Reports.UHrptLoanSummarybatch:
rptData = dbHelper.Get_Loan_Summary_Batch(objReportHelper.CustomerId, objReportHelper.AuditId);// parent table
rptData2 = dbHelper.Get_Other_Comments_Batch(objReportHelper.CustomerId, objReportHelper.AuditId);
rptData4 = dbHelper.Get_Audit_Details_Batch(objReportHelper.CustomerId, objReportHelper.AuditId);
rptData.DataSetName = "spReport_LoanSummaryBatch_edit";
foreach (DataColumn col in rptData2.Tables[0].Columns)
foreach (DataColumn col in rptData4.Tables[0].Columns)
DataRow [] dRows;
DataRow parentRow;
DataRow newRow;
//for (int i = 0; i < rptData.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
// parentRow = rptData.Tables[0].Rows[i];
// dRows = rptData2.Tables[0].Select("loanmasterid=" + parentRow["loanmasterid"].ToString());
// foreach (DataRow childRow in dRows)
// {
// newRow = rptData.Tables[0].NewRow();
// foreach (DataColumn childCOl in rptData2.Tables[0].Columns)
// {
// newRow[childCOl.ColumnName] = childRow[childCOl.ColumnName];
// }
// rptData.Tables[0].Rows.Add(newRow);
// }
for (int i = 0; i < rptData.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
parentRow = rptData.Tables[0].Rows[i];
dRows = rptData4.Tables[0].Select("loanmasterid=" + parentRow["loanmasterid"].ToString());
foreach (DataRow childRow in dRows)
newRow = rptData.Tables[0].NewRow();
foreach (DataColumn childCOl in rptData4.Tables[0].Columns)
newRow[childCOl.ColumnName] = childRow[childCOl.ColumnName];
objReportDataSource = new ReportDataSource("spReport_LoanSummaryBatch_edit", rptData4.Tables[0]);
objReportDataSource4 = new ReportDataSource("spReport_LoanSummaryBatch_edit", rptData4.Tables[0]);
ReportViewer1.LocalReport.ReportPath = "Reports/UHrptLoanSummarybatch.rdlc";
int j = 2;
for (int i = 0; i < j; i++)
添加了可变数量的行,然后使用表中的行数来控制循环.因此,如果您到达某一行导致将自身副本添加到表中的位置,那么它将开始一个无限循环,并且由于每次都要创建新对象而将耗尽内存. >
because inside your for
loop you add a variable number of rows to rptData.Tables[0]
and then use the number of rows in the table to control the loop. So if you ever get to the position where a row causes a copy of itself to be added to the table, then it will start an infinite loop, and you will run out of memory because you create new objects each time round.
I don''t know what you are trying to do, but I can''t help thinking that you are going about it the wrong way!