我正在通过在弹出窗口中打开 facebook.com/dialog/send
来实现 Facebook 发送对话框.当您单击发送"按钮时,对话框将显示错误:抱歉,出了点问题" - 但仅限于某些 URL.我拥有的最好的例子是:
I'm implementing a Facebook Send dialog, by opening facebook.com/dialog/send
in a popup window. When you click the 'Send' button the dialog will display the error: 'Sorry, something went wrong' - but only on certain URLs. The best examples I have are:
These links are identical except that the first one shares 'facebook.com' and the second one shares 'google.com'. Only the second one works.
我注意到我自己的域名 (skiggle.com.au) 无法正常工作,而skiggle.com 则可以.
I've noticed this with my own domain (skiggle.com.au) which doesn't work, versus skiggle.com, which does.
如果我将 Facebook JavaScript API 与 FB.ui({method: 'send'})
The same errors occur if I use the Facebook JavaScript API with FB.ui({method: 'send'})
这两个链接现在都对我有用,尽管我没有改变任何东西.我只能假设 Facebook 已经修复了这个错误,或者这个问题发生在某些互联网连接上,而不是其他互联网连接上.
Both the links now work for me, although I have not changed anything. I can only hypothesise that Facebook has either fixed this bug, or this issue occurs on some internet connections and not others.
这篇关于Facebook 发送按钮 - “抱歉,出了点问题."的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!