本文介绍了Google Maps SDK& Mapkit在同一个应用程序中导致崩溃的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


崩溃场景(ios 6.0 / 6.1):
3.将我的应用程序更改为apple maps(mapkit)。
4.输入apple maps(模态控制器)。

trying to give the user the option to choose between google maps (sdk) and apple maps (mapkit) in my app.the app is not using ARC.crash scenario (ios 6.0 / 6.1):1. enter google maps (modal controller).2. exit google maps (dismiss modal).3. change in my app to apple maps (mapkit).4. enter apple maps (modal controller).

[EAGLContext setCurrentContext:]

the app crashes and i get: [EAGLContext setCurrentContext:]


the error won't occur if i don't release google maps in the dealloc, but it's probably will cause a memory leak.i retain the map in viewDidLoad and release the map in the dealloc.


can anyone help?thanks,Tomer

1   0x0a041324 in -[VGLGPU init] ()
2   0x0a041032 in __24+[VGLGPU sharedInstance]_block_invoke_0 ()
3   0x03b52014 in _dispatch_client_callout ()
4   0x03b4409f in dispatch_once_f ()
5   0x03b44061 in dispatch_once ()
6   0x0a040fef in +[VGLGPU sharedInstance] ()
7   0x09fab26b in -[VKMainLoop updateLinkState] ()
8   0x09fabb02 in -[VKMainLoop removeCanvas:] ()
9   0x09f9f2aa in -[VKScreenCanvas _updateDisplayStatus:] ()
10  0x09f9f3fb in -[VKScreenCanvas setNeedsDisplay] ()
11  0x027bc03d in -[UIView initWithFrame:] ()
12  0x09f75658 in -[VGLScreenCanvas initWithFrame:context:] ()
15  0x09f907e7 in -[VKMapCanvas initWithFrame:shouldRasterize:] ()
16  0x09f8982e in -[VKMapView initWithFrame:andGlobe:shouldRasterize:] ()
17  0x0267d1a1 in -[MKMapView _commonInitAndEnableLoading:fromIB:] ()
18  0x0267da9c in -[MKMapView initWithCoder:] ()
19  0x02aa8a02 in UINibDecoderDecodeObjectForValue ()
47  0x028671a7 in -[UIViewController presentModalViewController:animated:] ()


iOS版Google Maps SDK和使用Apple Maps的MapKit都使用OpenGL。

Both the Google Maps SDK for iOS and MapKit using Apple Maps make use of OpenGL.

Google Maps SDK for iOS存在一些问题,如果意外的OpenGL上下文处于活动状态,可能会导致其崩溃:

The Google Maps SDK for iOS has some issues which can cause it to crash if an unexpected OpenGL context is active:


It seems that MapKit also has some issues with the OpenGL context:

iOS 6应用在显示地图时在EAGLContext中崩溃


You will probably have to use a bit of trial-and-error to see if you can figure out a way to stop the problem. Try clearing the current context before and/or after you perform operations on a map (such as when you release the Google Map):

[EAGLContext setCurrentContext:nil]


You can also try saving the previous context before performing an operation, and then restoring it again afterwards, for example:

EAGLContext* previousContext = [EAGLContext currentContext];

// Perform map operation here.

[EAGLContext setCurrentContext: previousContext];


When I was investigating the issues with the Google Maps SDK for iOS, I basically tried various combinations of these until I found something which worked. Good luck!

这篇关于Google Maps SDK& Mapkit在同一个应用程序中导致崩溃的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-11 01:00