



如何将 unix 时间转换为 印度日历phpPerlPythonJava?我知道我可以转换成 HebrewJewish.但是 Hindu 不是一种选择.

How can I convert unix time to Hindu calendar time and the other way round in php, Perl or Python or Java? I know I can convert to Hebrew and Jewish. But Hindu is not an option.

更具体地说,我说的是印度教的农历.以下网站正在运行,并且完全符合我的要求:http://web.meson.org/calendars/.例如,它将 28-1-2012(公历)翻译"为 5-11-2068(印度历).我怎样才能完成同样的任务?如果那里绝对没有脚本,我怎么能自己写呢?

To be more specific, I'm talking about the Hindu lunar calendar. The following website is working and does exactly what I want: http://web.meson.org/calendars/. For example, it 'translates' 28-1-2012 (Gregorian) to 5-11-2068 (Hind. Lun.). How can I accomplish the same task? And if there are absolutely no scrips out there, how can I write it myself?


在附录中提供 Common Lisp 代码.

Paper: Indian Calendrical Calculations
Provides Common Lisp code in the appendix.

虽然可以根据论文编写 Python(或其他语言)解决方案,但作者很好地列举了印度日历规则,因此如果您愿意考虑采用所提供的 Common Lisp 代码,这是一篇非常可靠的论文.

While a Python (or other language) solution could be written according to the paper, the authors enumerate the Indian calendar rules pretty well, so it's a pretty solid paper if you're willing to consider taking the provided Common Lisp code.


08-11 00:33