


I'm trying to exclude any file with "Confidential" in the name from being renamed by this script which batch renames files in a folder.


However, when I try this script the file names with "Confidential" in it don't change, nor do the ones without "Confidential" in it.

Get-ChildItem -Exclude "*Confidential*"  | rename-item -NewName { $_.BaseName + " - Confidential" +$_.Extension }


不幸的是,在没有 -Recurse 的情况下,-Include-Exclude 参数仅适用于输入路径(当前目录,在您的情况下)的叶组件(文件/目录名称),不适用于其子级.

Unfortunately, in the absence of -Recurse, the -Include and -Exclude parameters apply only to the leaf component (file/directory name) of the input path (the current dir., in your case), not to those its children.

解决方法是改用 Get-Item *(或 Get-ChildItem *).这确保(隐含的)目标路径的 children 是有针对性的(使用显式目标路径,append /*; add -Force 以包含 hidden 子项),从而确保将任何 -Include/-Exclude 参数应用于那些的名称孩子们:

The workaround is to use Get-Item * (or Get-ChildItem *) instead. which ensures that the (implied) target path's children are targeted (with an explicit target path, append /*; add -Force to include hidden children), which in turn ensures that any -Include / -Exclude arguments are applied to the names of those children:

Get-Item * -Exclude *Confidential*  |
  Rename-Item -NewName { $_.BaseName + " - Confidential" + $_.Extension }

有关讨论,请参阅 GitHub 问题 #3304.


08-18 12:40