

在Postgres中,是否有一种方法可以在由联结表链接的表之间执行left join,并对该链接表进行一些过滤?

In Postgres, is there a way to perform a left join between tables linked by a junction table, with some filtering on the linked table?


Say, I have two tables, humans and pets, and I want to perform a query where I have the human ID, and the pet name. If the human ID exists, but they don't have a pet with that name, I still want the human's row to be returned.


If I had a FK relationship from pets to humans, this would work:

select h.*, p.*
from humans as h
left join pets as p on p.human_id = h.id and p.name = 'fluffy'
where h.id = 13


and I'd get a row with human 13's details, and fluffy's values. In addition, if human 13 didn't have a pet named 'fluffy', I'd get a row with human 13's values, and empty values for the pet's columns.


BUT, I don't have a direct FK relationship, I have a junction table between humans and pets, so I'm trying a query like:

select h.*, p.*
from humans as h
left join humans_pets_junction as j on j.human_id = h.id
left join pets as p on j.pet_id = p.id and p.name = 'fluffy'
where h.id = 13


Which returns rows for all of human 13's pets, with empty columns except for fluffy's row.

如果我在WHERE子句中添加p.name = 'fluffy',则将所有空行过滤掉,但是这也意味着如果人类13根本没有一只名为蓬松的宠物,我将获得0行.

If I add p.name = 'fluffy' to the WHERE clause, that filters out all the empty rows, but also means I get 0 rows if human 13 doesn't have a pet named fluffy at all.

是否可以复制FK样式left join的行为,但是当与联结表一起使用时?

Is there a way to replicate the behavior of the FK-style left join, but when used with a junction table?



One method is to do the comparison in the where clause:

select h.*, p.*
from humans as h left join
     humans_pets_junction as j
     on j.human_id = h.id left join
     pets as p
     on j.pet_id = p.id and p.name = 'fluffy'
where h.id = 13 and (p.name = 'fluffy' or p.id is null);


Alternatively, join the junction table and the pets table as a subquery or CTE:

select h.*, p.*
from humans h left join
     (select j.*
      from humans_pets_junction j join
           pets p
           on j.pet_id = p.id and p.name = 'fluffy'
     ) pj
     on pj.human_id = h.id
where h.id = 13;


08-10 23:59