本文介绍了Codeigniter - 将三个表合并为正确的视图格式的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


完全混淆了如何实现某些内容 - 我有三个表格:

  • 订单

  • 项目

  • 产品



ORDERS ,您可以查看所有过去的订单,我想要的是能够拥有以下结构。


  • 第二个示例订单项

  • 第三个示例订单项


  • 订单项示例

  • 示例订单项

  • 第三个示例订单项


  • 示例订单项

  • 第二个示例订单项

  • 第三个示例订单项

现在我可以轻松地列出所有订单,但我迷失在如何合并这三个表在一个方式,我可以列出他们在上述格式,我假设我可以JOIN所有三个,但我不能让他们在任何地方以正确的方式输出。 / p>




  / *原始sql查询* / 
SELECT o。*,p。*,o.id AS order_id,p.id AS product_id
FROM orders o
LEFT JOIN项目i ON(o.id = i.order_id)
LEFT JOIN产品p ON(p.id = i.product_id)
ORDER BY order_id


  / *使用活动记录* / 

$ orders = $ this-> db-> select('o。*,p。*,o .id AS order_id,p.id AS product_id')
- > from('Orders o')
- > join('Items i','o.id = i.order_id', 'LEFT')
- > join('Products p','p.id = i.product_id','LEFT')
- > order_by('order_id')
- > get()
- > result();


  $ currentParent = false; 
foreach($ orders as $ o){
if($ currentParent!= $ o-> order_id){
echo'< h1> ORDER NUMBER'。 $ o-> order_id。 '< / h1>';
$ currentParent = $ o-> order_id;
echo'< p>'。 htmlentities($ o-> product_name)。 '< / p>';


 < h1> ORDER NUMBER 1< / h1> 
< p>产品1< / p>
< p>产品2< / p>
< h1> ORDER NUMBER 2< / h1>
< p>产品3< / p>


$ b code> echo'< ul>< li>';
$ currentParent = false;
foreach($ orders as $ o){
if($ currentParent!= $ o-> order_id){
if($ currentParent!= false){
echo' < / ul>< / li>< li>';
echo'< h1> ORDER NUMBER'。 $ o-> order_id。 '< / h1>< ul>';
$ currentParent = $ o-> order_id;
echo'< li>'。 htmlentities($ o-> product_name)。 '< / li>';
echo'< / li>< / ul>';


 < ul> 
< li>
< h1> ORDER NUMBER 1< / h1>
< ul>
< li>< p>产品1< / p>< / li>
< li>< p>产品2< / p>< / li>
< / ul>
< / li>
< li>
< h1> ORDER NUMBER 2< / h1>
< ul>
< li>< p>产品3< / p>< / li>
< / ul>
< / li>
< / ul>

Completely confused on how to achieve something - I have three tables;

  • Orders
  • Items
  • Products

The orders table contains the details of an order, the items table contains a product id number and an order id number, and the products table contains all the product details.

What I'm trying to do is have a "My orders" page, where you can view all your past orders, and what i would like is to be able to have the following structure...



  • Example order item
  • Second example order item
  • Third example order item


  • Example order item
  • Second example order item
  • Third example order item


  • Example order item
  • Second example order item
  • Third example order item

Now i can easily list all the orders, and i can list all the items on a particular order, but I'm lost on how to merge these three tables in a way i can list them in the above format, i assume i can JOIN on all three, but i can't get them to output in anywhere near the correct way.

Does anybody know a good way of doing this? Many thanks in advance.


You can use a joined query to get all orders with their items

/* raw sql query */
SELECT o.*,p.*,o.id AS order_id,p.id AS product_id
FROM  Orders o
LEFT JOIN Items i ON (o.id=i.order_id)
LEFT JOIN Products p ON(p.id = i.product_id)
ORDER BY order_id

Create a function in your model and run below query

/* Using Active record */

$orders=$this->db->select('o.*,p.*,o.id AS order_id,p.id AS product_id')
                ->from(' Orders o ')
                ->join(' Items i','o.id=i.order_id','LEFT')
                ->join(' Products p','p.id = i.product_id','LEFT')

Get your results from model in controller and then pass it to view,in view you can loop over your query records as

$currentParent = false;
foreach ($orders as $o) {
    if ($currentParent != $o->order_id) {
        echo '<h1>ORDER NUMBER ' . $o->order_id . '</h1>';
        $currentParent = $o->order_id;
    echo '<p>' . htmlentities($o->product_name) . '</p>';

This will output as

<h1>ORDER NUMBER 1</h1>
    <p>product 1</p>
    <p>product 2</p>
<h1>ORDER NUMBER 2</h1>
    <p> product 3</p>

If you have different html structure change it accordingly i have provided above example using heading and paragraph tag

Edit for using list tags in your you can do so

echo '<ul><li>';
$currentParent = false;
foreach ($orders as $o) {
    if ($currentParent != $o->order_id) {
        if ($currentParent != false) {
            echo '</ul></li><li>';
        echo '<h1>ORDER NUMBER ' . $o->order_id . '</h1><ul>';
        $currentParent = $o->order_id;
    echo '<li>' . htmlentities($o->product_name) . '</li>';
echo '</li></ul>';

This will output as

        <h1>ORDER NUMBER 1</h1>
            <li><p>product 1</p></li>
            <li><p>product 2</p></li>
        <h1>ORDER NUMBER 2</h1>
            <li><p> product 3</p></li>

这篇关于Codeigniter - 将三个表合并为正确的视图格式的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-10 23:57