




I am reading about JVM architecture. Today I read about the concept of the Operand Stack. According to an article:


I can't understand: What exactly is an Operand Stack, and how does it work in jvm?



It's how the various individual bytecode operations get their input, and how they provide their output.

例如,考虑 iadd 操作,它会增加两个 int s一起。要使用它,你在堆栈上推两个值,然后使用它:

For instance, consider the iadd operation, which adds two ints together. To use it, you push two values on the stack and then use it:

iload_0     # Push the value from local variable 0 onto the stack
iload_1     # Push the value from local variable 1 onto the stack
iadd        # Pops those off the stack, adds them, and pushes the result


Now the top value on the stack is the sum of those two local variables. The next operation might take that top stack value and store it somewhere, or we might push another value on the stack to do something else.


Suppose you want to add three values together. The stack makes that easy:

iload_0     # Push the value from local variable 0 onto the stack
iload_1     # Push the value from local variable 1 onto the stack
iadd        # Pops those off the stack, adds them, and pushes the result
iload_2     # Push the value from local variable 2 onto the stack
iadd        # Pops those off the stack, adds them, and pushes the result


Now the top value on the stack is the result of adding together those three local variables.


Let's look at that second example in more detail:


  • 开始堆栈是空的(这几乎从来都不是真的,但我们并不在乎我们开始之前有什么呢?

  • 本地变量0包含 27

  • 局部变量1包含 10

  • 局部变量2包含 5

  • The stack is empty to start with (which is almost never actually true, but we don't care what's on it before we start)
  • Local variable 0 contains 27
  • Local variable 1 contains 10
  • Local variable 2 contains 5


| stack |


iload_0     # Push the value from local variable 0 onto the stack


| stack |
|   27  |


iload_1     # Push the value from local variable 1 onto the stack

| stack |
|   10  |
|   27  |


iadd        # Pops those off the stack, adds them, and pushes the result

它弹出 10 27 离开堆栈,将它们加在一起,然后推送结果( 37 )。现在我们有:

It "pops" the 10 and 27 off the stack, adds them together, and pushes the result (37). Now we have:

| stack |
|   37  |

我们的第三个 int 的时间:

Time for our third int:

iload_2     # Push the value from local variable 2 onto the stack

| stack |
|    5  |
|   37  |

我们做第二个 iadd

iadd        # Pops those off the stack, adds them, and pushes the result


| stack |
|   42  |



08-10 23:30