


In Scala, when I have this expression

f1 ( f2 ( f3 (p)))


Is there a way that I can use something like in


p |> f3 |> f2 |> f1


(->> p f3 f2 f1)



If you want to write it yourself without using external libraries,

implicit class Pipe[T](x: T) {
  def |> [U](f: T=>U): U = f(x)

因此,此implicit class模式用于扩展方法.这是"pimp my library"模式的简写:

So, this implicit class pattern is used for extension methods. It's shorthand for the "pimp my library" pattern:

class Pipe[T](x: T) { /*extension methods here*/ }
implicit def anyToPipe[T](x: T) = new Pipe(x)

与任何隐式转换一样,如果方法名称对T无效,但是隐式范围中有一个函数T => Pipe,并且该方法在Pipe上有效,则该函数(或方法-实际上是同一件事)被编译器插入,因此您得到一个Pipe实例.

As with any implicit conversion, if the method name is not valid for T, but there is a function T => Pipe in implicit scope, and the method is valid on Pipe, the function (or method here - effectively the same thing) is inserted by the compiler so you get a Pipe instance.

def |> [U](f: T=>U): U = f(x)

这只是一个名为|>的方法,它具有类型为T=>U的参数f,即Function1[T,U],其中T是输入类型,而U是结果类型.因为我们希望它适用于任何类型,所以我们需要通过添加[U]U上对类型进行参数化的方法. (如果改为使用T=>Any,则返回的类型将为Any,用处不大.)返回值只是根据需要将函数应用到原始值.

This is just a method called |> that has a parameter f of type T=>U, i.e. a Function1[T,U], where T is the input type and U is the result type. Because we want this to work for any type, we need to make the method type-parameterized on U by adding [U]. (If we used T=>Any instead, our return would be of type Any, which wouldn't be much use.) The return value is just the application of the function to the original value, as required.


08-10 23:25