




I am planning to implement my own very simple "hashing" formula to add a layer of security to an app with multiple users. My current plan is as follows:

  1. 用户创建一个帐户,在该帐户上在后端生成ID.ID是通过公式运行的(例如ID * 57 + 8926-36 * 7,或者同样随机的东西).然后,我将新的用户ID和新的已散列"邮件发送回前端.数字并将其存储在 localStorage 中.
  2. 用户尝试访问安全区域(例如设置页面,以便他们可以更改自己的设置).
  3. 我向后端发送了两个值:它们的ID和哈希值.我通过相同的公式运行ID,以检查它是否与我收到的哈希值匹配.如果检查通过,则他们可以进入.因此,如果有人尝试在 localStorage 中更改其ID以访问另一个用户的设置页面,则他们唯一能实现的方法就是猜测公式是什么.他们可以很容易地猜出一个用户ID,但是猜测相应的数字是ID * 57 + 8926-36 * 7的结果.
  1. User creates an account at which point an ID is generated on the backend. The ID is run through a formula (let's say ID * 57 + 8926 - 36 * 7, or something equally random). I then send back to the frontend the new user ID and the new "hashed" number and store them in localStorage.
  2. User tries to access a secured area (let's say a settings page so they can change their own settings).
  3. I send the backend two values: their ID and the hashed number. I run the ID through the same formula to check it matches the hashed value I've received. If the check passes, they can get in. So if someone has tried, say, changing their ID in localStorage to get access to another user's settings page, the only way they could achieve that is if they guess what the formula was. They could easily guess a user ID, but guess that the corresponding number is the result of ID * 57 + 8926 - 36 * 7 seems pretty unlikely.


I'm doing this because it would be quicker/cheaper than a db lookup for an actual hashed value... I think? Would it make more sense to use a package to create some kind of primary key/uuid instead of "hashing" my own value and doing a db lookup each time?


Tech stack: React on FE, Python on BE, SQL db.



Two property of real hashes that you are missing with this are

  • 输入的简单变化会导致输出的大变化
  • 所有散列的长度相同


This could be a problem if a user somehow knows their own id and hash.With your selfmade hash I could easily find out the hash of a random other user by reverse engeniering the hash.


08-10 22:49