




  1. 装配:不可移植,总体疼痛。

  2. .NET:感觉真的很慢。 5秒启动,5秒评估1 + 2在Ironpython和Boo。无法在没有大图书馆的情况下运行。

  3. JVM:感觉有点慢。无法访问二进制库。无法在没有大图书馆的情况下运行。

  4. LLVM:没有Windows支持。我听说编译的可执行文件大小是16 mb +

  5. C--:看起来欠发达。

  6. 找不到一个很好的小自由,我可以捆绑。





  1. 在LLVM汇编上运行llvm-生成LLVM字节码文件。

  2. 在LLVM字节码文件上运行llc以生成汇编文件。

  3. 在汇编文件上运行汇编器以生成目标文件。 (或运行llvm-ld,这似乎取决于外部安装的c编译器)

  4. 使用gcc等编译为可执行文件。


您是否考虑为?我提到这是为了完整性的缘故 - 只要我知道后端接口是相当复杂,代码库是巨大的,很难理解。

另一方面, GCC是一个成熟的产品,许多专家程序员在其上工作。至少,它可能为所有的选择提供最坚实的基础。



I want to make a compiled language. I am currently evaluating backends.So far I am looking at C because of its speed of execution, compiling, and a small, easy to use compiler called TCC.

Having read the discussions here about using it as an intermediate language, I am trying to think about how to make it compatible with garbage collection, and handling exceptions. So far, I think I can solve both, but with much overhead.

Here are some of my thoughts on the other possible backends:

  1. Assembly: unportable and a total pain to program in.
  2. .NET: Feels really slow. 5 seconds to start up and 5 seconds to evaluate 1+2 on Ironpython and Boo. Unable to run without large library.
  3. JVM: Feels a bit slow. No access to binary libraries. Unable to run without large library.
  4. LLVM: No windows support. I hear that compiled executable size is 16 mb+
  5. C--: looks underdeveloped.
  6. C++: possibly. Can't find a nice small free one I can bundle with.

Can any of you change my mind or have more to add to this list?


I've been experimenting with LLVM recently. I found out that they have precompiled binaries and that it is possible to compile to native assembly.


Here are the steps:

  1. Run llvm-as on LLVM Assembly, which yields a LLVM bytecode file.
  2. Run llc on the LLVM bytecode file to yield an assembly file.
  3. Run an assembler on the assembly file to yield an object file. (or run llvm-ld which seems to depend on an externally installed c compiler)
  4. Compile to executable with gcc etc.

Have you considered writing a frontend for GCC? I mention this for completeness’ sake only – as far as I know the backend interface is quite complicated and the codebase is huge and hard to comprehend.

On the other hand, GCC is a mature product with many expert programmers working on it. At the very least, it probably provides the most solid basis of all the alternatives.

Personally, I would prefer LLVM (exciting architecture) or .NET’s IL: very, very easy to use, has great tool support (Reflector, Cecil, Reflexil and last but not least, the .NET reflection API) and two very efficient implementations (namely Microsoft’s canonical implementation and Mono).

But I can’t claim expertise in any of the architectures so take this answer with a grain of salt.


08-10 22:46