

我将开发一个协作站点,其中一项功能将是通过实时更改进行协作编辑.也就是说,当两个或多个用户正在编辑同一个文档时,他们可以在更改发生后立即看到彼此的更改.我在Ruby on Rails上有一些经验,所以我一直在考虑使用EventMachine,但是由于对Node.js的所有宣传,我知道可以考虑使用它.那么,使用Node.js代替EventMachine的主要好处是什么?

I'm going to develop a collaborative site, and one of the features will be collaborative editing with realtime changes. i.e. when two or more users are editing the same doc, they can see each other changes as soon as they happen.I have some experience with Ruby on Rails, so I was thinking about using EventMachine, but with all this hype around Node.js, I am know considering using it instead. So, what would be the main benefits of using Node.js instead of EventMachine?


tl;drWhat are the main differences between EventMachine and Node.js (besides the language)?



EventMachine has nothing to do with Rails apart from them both being written in the same language. You can get EventMachine as bare as Node.js; all you have to do is not add libraries to your project. In my experience the EventMachine libraries (like em-http) are much nicer than anything for Node. And you can use fibers instead of callbacks to avoid callback hell. Complete exception handling is pretty much impossible in Node because of all the callbacks. Plus Ruby is a nicer, more complete language than Javascript.


08-10 22:14