


I have one problem, which I can't handle...


My PostgreSQL table looks like that:

id student grade class gradeDate
1     1      5     1       2017-03-03
2     1      5     1       2017-03-04
3     1      1     1       2017-03-05
4     1      5     1       2017-03-06
5     1      5     1       2017-03-07
6     1      5     1       2017-03-08
7     1      1     1       2017-03-09
8     2      5     2       2017-03-03
9     3      5     3       2017-03-03

所以我有不同班级(1,2,3,4 ...)的不同学生(1,2,3 ...),他们每天都获得成绩(gradeDate)

So I have different students (1,2,3...) in different classes (1,2,3,4...), who gets grade EVERY DAY (gradeDate) - it can be only 5 or 1 - and now I want to select from this database the biggest count of grade 5 in row for each student (by in row I mean grade 5 every day without break)So in the table above the biggest count for user 1 will be 3 (row 4,5,6), for user 2 will be 1 and for user 3 will be one.If I change grade in row 3 for 5, the biggest count will be 6 for student 1Do you get the idea?


At first I wanted to use somehow SELECT query, but firstly - I don't know how to make this query and secondly - when there will be thousands or millions of rows in thistable, the efficiency of that query will be very, very low.I can normally get every rows for student 1 and manipulate it in Java.So I ask - how can I solve this problem?Thanks for your time and effort.



You need to identify adjacent groups. One simple method is the difference of row numbers. To really understand it, you'll need to run the subquery and stare at the results. You should "see" how the difference defines the groups.

select student, class, grade, count(*), min(gradeDate), max(gradeDate)
from (select t.*,
             row_number() over (partition by student, class, grade order by gradeDate) as seqnum_scg,
             row_number() over (partition by student, class order by gradeDate) as seqnum_sc
      from t
     ) t
group by student, class, grade, (seqnum_sc - seqnum_scg);

要获得最大值,您可以在 distinct上使用。我将为此使用子查询:

To get the maximum, you can then use distinct on. I'll use a subquery for that:

select distinct on (student, class) scg.*
from (select student, class, grade, count(*) as cnt,
             min(gradeDate), max(gradeDate), min_gradeDate, max_gradeDate
      from (select t.*,
                   row_number() over (partition by student, class, grade order by gradeDate) as seqnum_scg,
                   row_number() over (partition by student, class order by gradeDate) as seqnum_sc
            from t
           ) t
      where grade = 5
      group by student, class, grade, (seqnum_sc - seqnum_scg)
     ) scg
order by student, class, cnt desc;


08-13 16:52