


Suppose I have two tables, Customer and Vendor. I want to have a common address table for customer and vendor addresses. Customers and Vendors can both have one to many addresses.


Add columns for the AddressID to the Customer and Vendor tables. This just doesn't seem like a clean solution to me.

Customer     Vendor         Address
--------     ---------      ---------
CustomerID   VendorID       AddressID
AddressID1   AddressID1     Street
AddressID2   AddressID2     City...


将外键移至地址表。对于客户,将填充 Address.CustomerID 。对于供应商,将填充 Address.VendorID 。我不喜欢这个 - 我不应该需要修改地址表每次我想使用它为另一个实体。

Option 2

Move the foreign key to the Address table. For a Customer, Address.CustomerID will be populated. For a Vendor, Address.VendorID will be populated. I don't like this either - I shouldn't need to modify the address table every time I want to use it for another entity.

Customer     Vendor         Address
--------     ---------      ---------
CustomerID   VendorID       AddressID


've也看到了 - 在Address表上只有1个外键列,用另一列来标识地址属于哪个外键表。我不喜欢这个,因为它要求所有的外键表有相同类型的ID。

Option 3

I've also seen this - only 1 foreign key column on the Address table with another column to identify which foreign key table the address belongs to. I don't like this one because it requires all the foreign key tables to have the same type of ID. It also seems messy once you start coding against it.

Customer     Vendor         Address
--------     ---------      ---------
CustomerID   VendorID       AddressID


So, am I just too picky, or is there something I haven't thought of?


我会说,拼图的缺失是是一个关系,在数据建模中经常被忽略;这与熟悉的有a关系不同。 is a关系类似于面向对象设计中的继承关系。为了对此进行建模,您需要一个基表,表示供应商和客户的常见属性。例如,我们可以调用基本表组织:

I'd say the missing piece of the puzzle is the "is a" relationship that is often overlooked in data modeling; this is distinct from the familiar "has a" relationship. An "is a" relationship is similar to an inheritance relationship in a object oriented design. To model this you'll need a base table that represents the common attributes of vendors and customers. For example, we could call the base table "Organizations":

Organizations       Vendors               Customers
--------------      ---------------------  ---------------------
OrganizationID(PK)  OrganizationID(FK/PK)  OrganizationID(FK/PK)


In this example Vendor "is a" organization, and Customer "is a" organization, whereas an organization "has a" address. The Organizations, Vendors, and Customers tables share a common key and a common key sequence enforced by referential integrity.


08-13 21:40