



我正在尝试使用Swing组件中的Java Graphics2D 对象手动绘制东西,并且我达到大约2000个正方形,我订购对象绘制得非常慢。

I am trying some things out with manually drawing "things" with a Java Graphics2D object within a Swing component and as I reach about >2000 squares that I order the object to draw it gets really slow.

我不知道这是否普遍。 2000个对象是否真的渲染了? Graphics2D 对象的性能不是很高吗?我应该停在现在的位置,而不是在尝试更复杂的东西之前切换到JOGL而且为时已晚?

I have no clue whether or not this is "common". Are 2000 objects to render really "a lot"? Is the Graphics2D object just not very performant? Should I just stop where I am now and rather switch to JOGL before I try out more complex stuff and it is too late?


我编写了一个Java Spirograph GUI,可以在20毫秒或更短的时间内绘制成千上万个线段。

I wrote a Java Spirograph GUI that draws tens of thousands of line segments in 20 milliseconds or less.


Make sure you are doing your calculations elsewhere in your application. Your drawing code should do one thing and one thing only: draw.


However, there is a practical limit to the speed of Graphics and Graphics2D. This Spirograph took 172 milliseconds to draw over 250,000 line segments.


08-07 09:59