

我正在编写一个Elixir软件包,我想指定一个默认的应用程序配置(用户可以通过在其 config.exs 中指定自定义值来覆盖它)。我最初将它们放在项目的 config.exs 中,直到我意识到依赖该库的项目不会加载配置文件。

I'm writing an Elixir package, and I want to specify a default application configuration (that the user can override by specifying custom values in their config.exs). I was originally putting them in my project's config.exs until I realized that the config file won't be loaded for projects that depend on this library.


我一直在努力了解如何在 mix.exs中指定应用程序默认值并使用它们。我当前的解决方案是使用具有默认参数,但对我来说似乎不对,因为应用程序默认值会分散在整个代码中。

I've been struggling to understand how to specify application defaults in my mix.exs and use them. My current solution is to use Application.get_env/3 with a default argument but that doesn't seem right to me as the application defaults would be scattered through out the code.

Application.get_env(:my_library, :arg, "default value")

所以,如何在 mix.exs 中指定应用程序默认值?

So, How can I specify application defaults in mix.exs?


您可以在 mix.exs 中为应用程序设置默认配置值-当在另一个项目中用作依赖项时,这些值也将可用。例如:

You can set default config values for your application in mix.exs - these will also be available when used as dependency in another project. For example:

def applications do
  [applications: [:logger, ...],
   mod: {MyLibrary.Application, []},
   env: [arg: "default value"]]


09-24 15:55