本文介绍了Google Cloud LB:更改“服务器错误”默认的html页面的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 29岁程序员,3月因学历无情被辞! 默认情况下,如果负载均衡无法找到后端来重定向流量,例如所有可用的后端都关闭,则会显示此html页面: 记录: 我想使用自己的静态html页面。 我在LB + Cloud存储页面上看到了这个:如果请求的对象不存在则被提供服务。这可以通过将网站配置添加到您的云存储存储桶来完成。通过网站配置,您可以直接从您自己的域中向云存储存储桶提供静态网页。 这将如何工作? 我知道如何在云存储上托管静态页面,但我如何使用它与LB?简而言之,至少现在不行。 带有云存储的HTTP负载均衡器您找到的是alpha,您需要请求白名单来尝试。但它不会解决你的问题。 因为目前为止,无法根据后端的响应来控制负载平衡器的重定向。我不认为这将是可能的。它不是GCP中负载均衡器的用途。以上声明仅意味着您可以为自定义404页面桶。如果您的后台服务关闭(502),它并不意味着让您重定向流量。有一个很大的区别:我找不到页面,没有任何工作,因为我没有服务器。 您只能重定向来自外部朝向您的网络内部。你不能做相反的事情。您不能要求负载平衡器根据响应进行重定向。 不要试图使502错误页面变得美观,问问自己为什么在第一个放置,并尝试解决这个问题。 By default, if the load balance can't find a backend to redirect traffic to, for example if all available backends are down, it shows this html page:Transcript:I would like to use my own static html page instead.I saw this on the LB + Cloud storage page here:How would that work ?I know how to host static page on cloud storage, but how would I use it with the LB ? 解决方案 Simply put, you can't, at least for now.The HTTP Load Balancer with Cloud Storage you found is in alpha, you will need to request a whitelist to try it. But it won't solve your problem.Because as of now, there is no way to control a load balancer's redirection manully based on the backends' responses. I don't think that will ever be possible. It's not the purpose of a load balancer in GCP.The above statement only means that you can have a custom 404 page for unfound objects in the bucket. It's not meant to let you redirect traffic if your Back-services are down (502). There is a big difference between : I can't find a page, and Nothing is working because I don't have a server.You can only redirect traffic coming from outside toward the inside of your network. You can't do the opposite. You can't ask the load balancer to redirect based on a response.Instead of trying to make the 502 error page beautiful, ask yourself why you have it in the first place, and try to fix that. 这篇关于Google Cloud LB:更改“服务器错误”默认的html页面的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
08-07 09:52