

本文介绍了如何找出JMS Connection是否存在?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



In JMS it is easy to find out if a connection is lost, a exception happens. But how do I find out if the connection is there again?


Scenario: I use JMS to communicate with my server. Now my connection breaks (server is down), which results in a exception. So far so good. If the server is up again and the connection is reestablished, how do I know that?


I don't see any Listeners which would facilitate such information.



Ahhh...the old exception handling/reconnection conundrum.


There are some transport providers that will automatically reconnect your application for you and some who make the app drive reconnection. In general the reconnections hide the exception from the application. The down side is that you don't want the app to hang forever if all the remote messaging nodes are down so ultimately, you must include some reconnection logic.

现在这里有趣的部分 - 如何以提供商中立的方式处理异常? JMS异常实际上毫无价值。例如,安全性异常可能是Java安全策略过于严格,文件系统权限过于严格,LDAP凭据失败,传输连接失败,队列或主题打开失败或任何其他许多与安全相关的问题。它是链接的异常,它具有来自传输提供程序的详细信息,可以帮助调试问题。我的客户一般采取三种不同方法中的一种...

Now here's the interesting part - how do you handle the exceptions in a provider neutral way? The JMS exception is practically worthless. For example, a "security exception" can be that the Java security policies are too restrictive, that the file system permissions are too restrictive, that the LDAP credentials failed, that the connection to the transport failed, that the open of the queue or topic failed or any of dozens of other security-related problems. It's the linked exception that has the details from the transport provider that really help debug the problem. My clients have generally taken one of three different approaches here...

  1. 将所有错误视为相同。关闭所有对象并重新初始化它们。这是JMS portable。

  2. 允许应用程序检查链接的异常,以区分致命错误和瞬态错误(即auth错误与队列已满)。不是提供者可移植的。

  3. 特定于提供者的错误处理类。另外两个的混合。


In your case, the queue and topic objects are probably only valid in the context of the original connection. Assuming a provider who reconnects automatically the fact that you got an exception means reconnect failed and the context for queue and topic objects could not be restored. Close all objects and reconnect.


Whether you want to do something more provider-specific such as distinguish between transient and permanent errors is one of those "it depends" things and you'll have to figure that out on a case-by-case basis.

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08-07 09:34