




Is it possible to stop a PID from being reused?

例如,如果我在后台使用myjob &运行作业myjob,并使用PID=$!获取PID,是否有可能防止linux系统重新使用该PID,直到我检查了PID不再存在(过程已完成)?

For example if I run a job myjob in the background with myjob &, and get the PID using PID=$!, is it possible to prevent the linux system from re-using that PID until I have checked that the PID no longer exists (the process has finished)?


In other words I want to do something like:

myjob &
do_not_use_this_pid $PID
wait $PID
allow_use_of_this_pid $PID


The reasons for wanting to do this do not make much sense in the example given above, but consider launching multiple background jobs in series and then waiting for them all to finish.


Some programmer dude rightly points out that no 2 processes may share the same PID. That is correct, but not what I am asking here. I am asking for a method of preventing a PID from being re-used after a process has been launched with a particular PID. And then also a method of re-enabling its use later after I have finished using it to check whether my original process finished.


Since it has been asked for, here is a use case:

  • 启动多个后台作业
  • 获取后台作业的PID
  • 防止PID在后台作业终止后被其他进程重复使用
  • 检查后台作业"的PID-即确保后台作业完成
  • [请注意,如果为后台作业的PID禁用了PID重复使用,则那些PID不能被在后台进程终止后启动的新进程使用] *
  • 重新启用后台作业的PID
  • 重复


  • 假设启动了10个职位
  • 5号工作退出
  • 另一个用户启动的新进程,例如,他们登录到tty
  • 新进程的ID与作业5相同!
  • 现在我们的脚本检查Job 5的终止,但是看到tty正在使用PID!


您不能阻止" PID被内核重用.但是,我倾向于认为这对您来说并不是真正的问题.

You can't "block" a PID from being reused by the kernel. However, I am inclined to think this isn't really a problem for you.


A simple wait (without arguments) would wait for all the child processes to complete. So, you don't need to worry about thePIDs being reused.


When you launch several background process, it's indeed possible that PIDs may be reused by other processes.But it's not a problem because you can't wait on a process unless it's your child process.


Otherwise, checking whether one of the background jobs you started is completed by any means other than wait is always going to unreliable.


08-07 09:29