

我正在使用AWS上的应用程序,并且正在使用AWS Elasticache进行缓存.我对使用memcached或redis感到困惑.

I am working on an application on AWS and I am using AWS elasticache for caching.I am confused between using memcached or redis.

我阅读了有关redis 3.0.2更新的信息,以及它现在等同于memchached的内容. https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg /redis-db/dO0bFyD_THQ/Uoo2GjIx6qgJ

I read the about the redis 3.0.2 update and how it is equivalent to memchached now.https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/redis-db/dO0bFyD_THQ/Uoo2GjIx6qgJ

但是我在Amazon AWS常见问题页面上看到,Amazon Elasticache Dows不支持3.0.2.他们目前支持Redis 2.6.13、2.8.6和2.8.19. http://aws.amazon.com/elasticache/faqs/(日期为2015年6月10日)我已阅读有关elsticache的AWS白皮书.但是他们没有指定要为哪些版本的Redis提供建议.

But I read on the amazon aws faq page that amazon elasticache dows not support 3.0.2. They currently support Redis 2.6.13, 2.8.6 and 2.8.19.http://aws.amazon.com/elasticache/faqs/ (Date June 10,2015)I have read AWS white papers on elsticache. But they have not specified for which version of redis they are providing the suggestions.


How should I decide between the use of memcached or redis for any application I may create ? What are the points one needs to keep in mind before using redis or memcached ? Should I consider that amazon will update the redis version soon and go on with redis ?


p.s. I am a novice developer.




  • 您想要最简单的模型.
  • 您需要运行具有多个核心或线程的大型节点.
  • 您需要具备横向扩展/纵向扩展的能力,
  • 随着系统需求的增加和减少,添加和删除节点.
  • 您想跨多个分片对数据进行分区.
  • 您需要缓存对象,例如数据库.


  • 您需要复杂的数据类型,例如字符串,哈希,列表和集合.
  • 您需要对内存中的数据集进行排序或排名.
  • 您要持久保存密钥库.
  • 您希望将数据从主数据库复制到一个或多个只读副本,以进行读取密集型应用程序.
  • 如果主节点发生故障,则需要自动故障转移.
  • 您想要发布和订阅(发布/订阅)功能,以将服务器上的事件通知客户端.
  • 您想要备份和还原功能.

这里是aws有趣的文章 https://d0.awsstatic.com/whitepapers/performance-at-scale-with-amazon-elasticache.pdf

Here is interesting article by aws https://d0.awsstatic.com/whitepapers/performance-at-scale-with-amazon-elasticache.pdf


08-07 08:52