


I have tried a number of times and still cannot get an HDInsight cluster to join an ADDS domain.


" 资源操作以终端供应状态"Failed"完成. ":[{{\" code \":\"FailedToJoinToDomain \",\消息\":\失败 加入域XXXXXXX.com.输出=无法加入域:无法连接到AD:无法为请求的领域联系任何KDC \\ n,错误= kerberos_kinit_password [email protected]失败:无法为请求的领域联系任何KDC \\ n \} ]}}""

"The resource operation completed with terminal provisioning state 'Failed'.\",\"details\":[{\"code\":\"FailedToJoinToDomain\",\"message\":\"Failed to join to domain XXXXXXX.com. Output = Failed to join domain: failed to connect to AD: Cannot contact any KDC for requested realm\\n, Error = kerberos_kinit_password [email protected] failed: Cannot contact any KDC for requested realm\\n\"}]}}"


Does anyone have any idea what might be wrong?



已提供域服务,您需要在Azure AD DC Administrators组中创建一个服务帐户才能创建 HDInsight群集.该服务帐户必须是Azure AD上的全局管理员.

After the domain service has been provisioned, you need to create a service account in the Azure AD DC Administrators group to create the HDInsight cluster. The service account must be a global administrator on the Azure AD.

我建议您,请按照说明文件进行操作使用Azure Active Directory域服务配置加入域的HDInsight群集 (如果您之前没有进行过检查的话).

I suggest you, follow the documentation toConfigure Domain-joined HDInsight clusters using Azure Active Directory Domain Services in case if you haven’t checked earlier.

您可以想参考在HDInsight中计划加入Azure域的Hadoop群集 Azure HDInsight的企业安全软件包预览 以获取更多详细信息.

You may want to referPlan Azure domain-joined Hadoop clusters in HDInsight andEnterprise Security Package preview for Azure HDInsight for further details.

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08-07 08:49