

本文介绍了Azure Service Fabric与Azure容器服务的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我知道Azure Service Fabric和Azure容器服务都可以用于通过容器托管微服务.

I understand that both Azure Service Fabric and Azure Container Services can be used to host microservices through containers.

在什么情况下实用?成本效益比一个使用?托管的Azure Service Fabric和Azure容器服务模型有哪些强大的用例

In what scenarios is it practical & cost effective to use one over the other? What are some strong use cases for Azure Service Fabric and Azure Container Services models of hosting



Update: A comparison table like one in

表中使用的首字母缩写-AF-Azure Functions,ASF-Azure Service Fabric,ASE-App Service Environment,ACS-Azure Container Service,VMSS-Virtual Machine Scale Set

Acronyms used in the table - AF - Azure Functions, ASF - Azure Service Fabric, ASE - App Service Environment, ACS - Azure Container Service, VMSS - Virtual Machine Scale Set



[ 2019年2月更新]

这是一个比较困难的比较,因为Azure Service Fabric还公开了一个应用程序框架.关于应如何构建应用程序的观点颇为自以为是,这不一定与 12因子(云)的概念非常吻合本地容器应用程序.

It's a difficult comparison as Azure Service Fabric also exposes an application framework. It's pretty opinionated about the way applications should be built, which doesn't necessarily fit well with notions of 12-factor, cloud-native container apps.


This is an ever-moving feast, but there are a growing number of container runtimes in Azure:

  • Azure Kubernetes Service is the container orchestrator that replacedACS. It seems to be moving very much in a PaaS direction.
  • Azure Container Instances are useful for small jobs and burst scale
  • Azure Batch is optimised for large, repetitive compute jobs
  • Azure Service Fabric is an IaaS offering geared more around lifting and shifting Windows applications to the cloud
  • Azure Service Fabric Mesh is the new kid on the block - a PaaS service for Service Fabric apps.

总而言之,如果您从容器入手,那么我将不遗余力地向Service Fabric致敬Kubernetes.您可以在Service Fabric中运行容器,但您可以让自己感觉像是二等公民.恕我直言,OFC.

All in all, if you're starting with containers then I would give Service Fabric a miss and head for Kubernetes. You can run containers in Service Fabric, but you can be made to feel like a second-class citizen. IMHO, OFC.

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08-07 08:45