

诸如Hadoop之类的某些工具需要明确指定工作人员的名称( docs ),但是当使用Docker Swarm进行部署时,它会分配自动容器名称,因此worker文件将不再用作该容器中的名称它不存在.有什么方法可以避免此文件,或者至少为容器分配别名(独立于容器名称)以使其起作用?

Some tools like Hadoop need to explicitly especify the name of workers (section Slaves File in docs), but when deploys with Docker Swarm it assigns automatic container names, so workers file doesn't work anymore as the names in it don't exist. Is there any way to avoid this file or, at least, assign aliases for containers (independently of container name) to make it work?

也许我不能使用 docker-compose.yml 文件,我必须在集群上手动创建服务...对此主题的任何看法都将不胜感激

Maybe I can't use docker-compose.yml file and I must create the services manually over the cluster... Any kind of light on the subject would be really appreciated


Hadoop文档很糟糕……显然,如果您在 core-site.xml 文件中设置了主节点的别名,可以省略 workers 文件.这些是我遵循的步骤:

Well, Hadoop documentation sucks... Apparently if you set the alias of master node in the core-site.xml file you can omit the workers file. These are the step I followed:

  1. 自定义了 core-site.xml 文件(在我的 docker-compose.yml 文件中,我将主服务放置为 nodemaster ).此文件必须位于主节点和工作节点中:
  1. Customized the core-site.xml file (in my docker-compose.yml file I put my master service with the name nodemaster). This file must be in master and workers nodes:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?>
  1. 现在运行时:



08-07 08:24