

我有一个对象模型,其中Calendar对象具有一个名为UserPermissions的IDictionary<MembershipUser, Perms>,其中MembershipUser是一个对象,而Perms是一个简单的枚举.这在日历的映射文件中为

I have an object model where a Calendar object has an IDictionary<MembershipUser, Perms> called UserPermissions, where MembershipUser is an object, and Perms is a simple enumeration. This is in the mapping file for Calendar as

<map name="UserPermissions" table="CalendarUserPermissions" lazy="true" cascade="all">
  <key column="CalendarID"/>
  <index-many-to-many class="MembershipUser" column="UserGUID" />
  <element column="Permissions" type="CalendarPermission" not-null="true" />


Now I want to execute a query to find all calendars for which a given user has some permission defined. The permission is irrelevant; I just want a list of the calendars where a given user is present as a key in the UserPermissions dictionary. I have the username property, not a MembershipUser object. How do I build that using QBC (or HQL)? Here's what I've tried:

ISession session = SessionManager.CurrentSession;
ICriteria calCrit = session.CreateCriteria<Calendar>();
ICriteria userCrit = calCrit.CreateCriteria("UserPermissions.indices");
userCrit.Add(Expression.Eq("Username", username));
return calCrit.List<Calendar>();

此构造的无效SQL-WHERE子句按预期包含WHERE membership1_.Username = @p0,但是FROM子句不包含MemberhipUsers表.

This constructed invalid SQL -- the WHERE clause contained WHERE membership1_.Username = @p0 as expected, but the FROM clause didn't include the MemberhipUsers table.


Also, I really had to struggle to learn about the .indices notation. I found it by digging through the NHibernate source code, and saw that there's also .elements and some other dotted notations. Where's a reference to the allowed syntax of an association path? I feel like what's above is very close, and just missing something simple.


我自己尝试做这件事,看起来可以使用HQL来完成,但不能使用Criteria API.

Just trying to do this myself and it looks like this can be done with HQL but not the Criteria API.





Specifically look for Ayende's comment:

类似于:从配置文件p加入p中选择1条目e其中index(e)='HasCats'和e ='true'

It is something like:select 1 from Profile p join p.Entries ewhere index(e) = 'HasCats' and e = 'true'


09-05 02:53