




I'm trying to find a more meaningful way to handle versioning for my app and I came acrossed this KB article



Basically it's recommending that the Assembly version be fixed, and the File Version be imcremented for each build. Now this makes perfect sense to me but for the life of me I can't seem to implement it.


The below snippet auto increments both Assembly version and FileVersion.

[assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")]

虽然这下一个似乎设置一个固定的程序集版本 和固定文件的版本 1.0。*

While this next one seems to set a fixed Assembly version of and a fixed File Version of 1.0.*.

[assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("1.0.*")]

顺便说一句,产品版本在文件属性的细节选项卡中读取 1.0。* 现在也是如此。现在,我可以修复的产品版本在文件属性与此...

Incidentally, the Product Version in Details tab of the file properties reads 1.0.* now as well. Now I can fix the Product Version in the file properties with this...

[assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersion("1.0")]

但是,这并不能帮助我原来的任务。出于好奇,我尝试了下面的文件版本改为 2.0。* ,所以它至少是使用它。它只是没有自动递增。

But that doesn't help with my original task. Out of curiosity I tried the below and the File version changed to 2.0.*, so it is at least using it. It's just not auto incrementing.

[assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("2.0.*")]


So from what I can gather the only version number that auto increments is the Assembly Version, but on the off chance you haven't specified a File Version it gets set to the same as the Assembly Version.


Does anyone know of a way to auto increment the File Version while leaving the Assembly Version fixed?


是的,它是一个有点傻,微软似乎已经得到了错误的方式轮。 的AssemblyVersion 用于.NET程序集版本系统,因此你永远不应该自动递增,但 AssemblyFileVersion 写入在该文件的版本资源文件版本的条目,所以你可能会合理地期望它总是自动递增默认情况下。

Yes it's a bit silly, Microsoft seems to have got it the wrong way round. AssemblyVersion is used in the .NET assembly versioning system, so you should never auto-increment it, but AssemblyFileVersion is written to the file version entry in the file's version resource, so you might reasonably expect it to always auto-increment by default.


I'm sure that there are some 3rd party build systems out there that can do this for you, but I just wrote a little command line C# app to do it, and it gets run on every project as part of our build process. It's very straightforward:

  1. 阅读的AssemblyInfo.cs 文件一行一行。
  2. 请在正则表达式搜索 AssemblyFileVersion 线,捕捉所有版本四部分为独立的捕捉组。你可以自己分析它,而是一个正则表达式会做所有的检测和解析一气呵成,因此它似乎傻不占便宜。
  3. 一旦你有了四个整数,实现自己的递增逻辑,你认为合适的。
  1. Read the AssemblyInfo.cs file line by line.
  2. Do a RegEx search for the AssemblyFileVersion line, capturing all four version parts into separate capture groups. You could parse it yourself, but a regex will do all the detecting and parsing in one go, so it seems silly not to take advantage.
  3. Once you have the four integers, implement your own incrementing logic as you see fit.


08-07 07:54