本文介绍了错误 1120:访问未定义的属性的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我在主文件上有一个 ,我在其中定义了这个:

I have a <mx:Script> on the main file, where I define this:

private var dpCols:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([
{'prx':'bl', 'nmb':'Blanco', 'ral':'RAL1013', 'hex':'E8E4CD'},
{'prx':'am', 'nmb':'Amarillo', 'ral':'RAL1005', 'hex':'C79E03'},
{'prx':'gr', 'nmb':'Gris Perla', 'ral':'RAL7045', 'hex':'8E939E'}

我可以在很多地方使用它作为 dataProvider,但不能在这里:

I can use it as a dataProvider in many places, but not here:

<mx:TileList dataProvider="{dpCols}">
        <mx:Box backgroundColor="{int('0x' + data.hex)}"
            height="64" width="72">
            <mx:Label text="{data.ral}" textAlign="center" width="100%"/>
            <mx:Label text="{data.nmb}" textAlign="center" width="100%"/>

此 TileList 位于 (我的 AdvancedDataGrid 子类)、;.如果我把它放在外面,它就可以工作.但我需要它来放置 itemEditor.

This TileList is within a <radg:RaDG> (my subclass for AdvancedDataGrid), <radg:columns>, <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn>, <mx:itemEditor> and <mx:Component>. If I put it outside, it just works. But I need it to put it has the itemEditor.


How should I refer to dpCols then? (or how can I solve this error?)



您需要 outerDocument,因为您位于 标签内.请参阅此 Adob​​e 中的使用组件标记"部分文档页面或这个SO问题.

You need outerDocument, since you're inside the <mx:Component> tag. See the "Using the Component Tag" section in this Adobe docs page or this SO question.

如果您对嵌套特别棘手,您可能需要使用 parentDocument 代替,但听起来 outerDocument 应该适用于您的情况(只有一个 嵌套; 标签).

If you're getting particularly tricky with nesting, you may need to use parentDocument instead, but it sounds like outerDocument should work in your case (only one nesting of <mx:Component> tags).


<mx:TileList dataProvider="{outerDocument.dpCols}" />

这篇关于错误 1120:访问未定义的属性的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-07 07:40