本文介绍了Javascript正则表达式 - exec无限循环的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I'm trying to get a link text using regex. there are possibly several links that may match the pattern and I want to get the furthest one until the 4th. Here is my JS code:

var level=1;
while ( _match = /<a href="http:\/\/www.mysite.com\/x\/(?:.*)>(.*)<\/a>/img.exec(_html)){
    if (level < 5)  (_anchor_text=_match[1]);
    level ++;


The problem is that this code enters infinite loop on IE (works well on FF), although the pattern exists. Any help is appreciated.


RegExp.exec ,我相信,使用属性并不断修改它以使全局组捕获成为可能;要使它工作,您需要有一个正则表达式。目前你是在每次迭代中创建一个新的,所以它不起作用...

RegExp.exec, I believe, makes use of the lastIndex property and continually modifies it to make things like "global group capturing" possible; for it to work you need to have a single regular expression. Currently you're creating a new one on every iteration so it won't work...


var level = 1;
var pattern = /<a href="http:\/\/www.mysite.com\/x\/(?:.*)>(.*)<\/a>/img;
var _match;
while ( _match = pattern.exec(_html)){
     if (level < 5)  (_anchor_text=_match[1]);
     level ++;

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08-18 12:50