


I would like to run a script where I can get the windows Name and version of the system of all computers running in the company, put it in a text fil. Then make a system variable out of my windows name . I know what to run but where I am running into an issue is a place holder. so here is my code:

    Set OS_NAME= systeminfo | find "OS Name"

    Set OS_Version= systeminfo | findstr /B /C:"OS Version"

    systeminfo | findstr /B /C:"OS Name" /C:"OS Version" /c:"BIOS Version" |  >> G:\Directory\%Computername%

    IF exist "%programfiles(x86)% (SET OS_ARCH=X64)
    Else (SET OS_ARCH=X86)

    systeminfo | find "Microsoft Windows 7" > nul
        if %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 (
            goto ver_7)

    Set Win7= systeminfo | find "Microsoft Windows 7"
    Echo %computername% is running %WIN7% in %OS_ARCH% Environment >> G:\Directory\Win7Comps.txt


So basically I would like a place holder for the results of Systeminfo which i can refer to and parse it my SET command when I am making my system variables.

谢谢,任何帮助将是AP preaciated。

Thanks, any help would be appreaciated.


不完全知道你在寻找什么,但我看到的最大的问题是,的SystemInfo 需要永远运行,并返回比你正在寻找更多的信息。你会更好使用 WMIC 捕捉WMI查询。这基本上是你的榜样脚本的改写,只是用 WMIC ,而不是的SystemInfo 。它应该是多,快多了。

Not exactly sure what you're looking for, but the biggest problem I see is that systeminfo takes forever to run and returns much more information than you're looking for. You'd be better off capturing wmi queries using wmic. This is basically a rewrite of your example script, just using wmic rather than systeminfo. It should be much, much faster.

@echo off
set prefix=G:\Directory

for /f "usebackq tokens=1,2 delims==|" %%I in (`wmic os get name^,version /format:list`) do 2>NUL set "%%I=%%J"
for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%I in ('wmic bios get version /format:list') do set "bios=%%I"
for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%I in ('wmic computersystem get model /format:list') do set "model=%%I"

>>"%prefix%\%COMPUTERNAME%" echo OS Name: %name%
>>"%prefix%\%COMPUTERNAME%" echo OS Version: %version%
>>"%prefix%\%COMPUTERNAME%" echo PC Model: %model%
>>"%prefix%\%COMPUTERNAME%" echo BIOS Version: %bios%

if defined PROGRAMFILES(x86) (set arch=X64) else set arch=X86

if "%name%" neq "%name:Windows 8=%" (
    set out=%prefix%\Win8Comps.txt
) else if "%name%" neq "%name:Windows 7=%" (
    set out=%prefix%\Win7Comps.txt
) else if "%name%" neq "%name:Windows Vista=%" (
    set out=%prefix%\WinVistaComps.txt
) else if "%name%" neq "%name:Windows XP=%" (
    set out=%prefix%\WinXPComps.txt

>>"%out%" echo %COMPUTERNAME% is running %name% in %arch% environment

键入 WMIC /?有关详细信息,并尝试 WMIC COMPUTERSYSTEM GET /?或相似看到一个列表,可以每类下被查询的项目。

Type wmic /? for more info, and try wmic computersystem get /? or similar to see a list of items that can be queried under each class.

WMIC 是Windows的瑞士军刀。有趣的事实:你甚至可以用 WMIC 来在远程系统上安装软件的表。

wmic is the Swiss Army knife of Windows. Fun fact: you can even use wmic to generate a web page table of installed software on a remote system.


08-07 07:20