




I'm doing research for making a chat based app for the iPhone (it's not really text chat in the regular sense, but the principles are the same).


Maximum 6 people can be logged into the same chat room at any one time, and the most basic question is how to efficiently check for new messages?


Would I need to simply poll the server periodically? Or is there a way I could trigger an event on the phone from the server whenever there is some new content to pay attention to?


If having to poll all the time, I worry about the resulting lag as each participant will have to wait longer for others before they can post their own responses to others. And, potentially it might also be too much to handle for the server to respond to lots of requests all the time. It would also waste bandwidth, which is not free for the user...


Unfortunately I will not be able to set up a socket server for this app, it has to be based around a regular LAMP configuration.



XMPP sounds good for you idea, i think this is the best technology for Chat. It alos works great in iOS apps.

也许这个代码示例将有助于在iOS应用程序中开始使用XMPP - 看看这个。它演示了如何将1-1聊天,聊天室内整合到您的Android应用程序中。还有指南如何工作。我认为将它集成到您​​的应用程序中是没有问题的。否则 - 评论以下系统可以提出您想要的任何问题并快速回答。

Maybe this code sample will be helpful to start using XMPP in iOS app - look at this QuickBlox Chat code sample. It demonstrates how to integrate 1-1 Chat, Chat in room into your android application. Also there is guide how it works. I think there will be no problem to integrate it into your application. Otherwise - Comments system below allows to ask any question you want and get fast answer.


Also there is Demo video http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=SncQaJBBW_0 how this Chat works.


08-07 07:16