我运行的是 Windows 10,并且一直在 Windows Linux 子系统下使用 Ubuntu Linux 发行版.
I'm running Windows 10 and I have been using an Ubuntu Linux distro under the Windows Linux Subsystem.
我希望能够使用 Chrome.exe 或 google-chrome 无头运行并截取屏幕截图、生成 pdf 等...作为库调用的一部分,但看不到这样做(例如使用 jupyter_to_medium 库在后台启动 chrome 以截取屏幕截图).
I want to be able to use Chrome.exe or google-chrome to run headless and take screenshots, generate pdfs etc... as part of library calls, but can't see to do that (e.g. to use jupyter_to_medium library launches chrome in the background to take screenshot).
我尝试了多种方法来独立于我正在使用的库或程序使用 google-chrome 调试它.
I have tried multiple things to debug it with google-chrome independently of the library or programme I'm using.
我可以通过 Ubuntu 终端启动 Chrome(Windows 可执行文件),并将其重定向到 Windows 可执行文件:
I can launch Chrome (Windows executable) via the Ubuntu terminal, having redirected it to the Windows executable:
/mnt/c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe
当我这样做时,我的 Windows Chrome 浏览器中会打开一个新标签页,所以这里没有问题.
When I do that, a new tab opens in my Windows Chrome browser so no issues here.
当我尝试在 ubuntu 终端中使用 google-chrome
headless 时,我得到多个问题,例如
When I try to use google-chrome
headless in ubuntu terminal I get MULTIPLE ISSUES e.g.
2a) 试图获取屏幕截图 - FAILs 显示 网络服务崩溃,重新启动服务
无限循环 - 必须按 CTRL^C 来停止它
2a) Trying to get a screenshot - FAILs showing Network service crashed, restarting service
endless loop - had to CTRL^C to stop it
(base) etzimopoulos@DESKTOP-HI9P6E4:~$ google-chrome --headless --disable-gpu --screenshot https://www.chromestatus.com/
[0626/055458.471044:ERROR:udev_watcher.cc(61)] Failed to enable receiving udev events.
[0626/055458.612113:ERROR:network_service_instance_impl.cc(262)] Network service crashed, restarting service.
[0626/055458.696014:ERROR:network_service_instance_impl.cc(262)] Network service crashed, restarting service.
2b) 尝试使用 不同参数 --no-sandbox --disable-setuid-sandbox
2b) Trying to get a screenshot using a different parameters --no-sandbox --disable-setuid-sandbox
, getting different error this time.
$ sudo google-chrome --no-sandbox --disable-setuid-sandbox --headless --screenshot https://www.chromestatus.com/
[0626/061854.348849:ERROR:udev_watcher.cc(61)] Failed to enable receiving udev events.
[0626/061855.311675:ERROR:platform_shared_memory_region_posix.cc(46)] Descriptor access mode (0) differs from expected (2)
[0626/061855.312483:WARNING:crash_handler_host_linux.cc(366)] Could not translate tid - assuming crashing thread is thread group leader; syscall_supported=0
[0626/061855.474617:WARNING:crash_handler_host_linux.cc(366)] Could not translate tid - assuming crashing thread is thread group leader; syscall_supported=0
--2020-06-26 06:18:55-- https://clients2.google.com/cr/report
Resolving clients2.google.com (clients2.google.com)..., 2a00:1450:4009:800::200e
Connecting to clients2.google.com (clients2.google.com)||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... [0626/061855.655013:ERROR:headless_shell.cc(399)] Abnormal renderer termination.
429 Too Many Requests
2020-06-26 06:18:55 ERROR 429: Too Many Requests.
Unexpected crash report id length
Failed to get crash dump id.
Report Id: ```
尝试使用相同的参数运行 Windows 可执行文件 Chrome.exe,似乎可以运行但未截取屏幕截图(我的目录中没有新文件)
Trying to run the Windows executable Chrome.exe with same parameters, seems to run but not screenshot is being taken (no new files in my directory)
尝试在 WSL 中运行 google-chrome
没有 提升的权限,我得到一个不同的错误:
Trying to run google-chrome
without elevated privilages in WSL I get a different error:
google-chrome --headless --disable-gpu --screenshot https://www.chromestatus.com/无法移动到新命名空间:支持 PID 命名空间,支持网络命名空间,但失败:errno =Permission denied 生成 minidump 失败.非法指令(core dumped)
任何帮助或指导将不胜感激.我的另一个选择是在带有本机 Linux UI 和终端的 Windows 10 上运行虚拟机,这可能会奏效.
Any help or direction would be hugely appreciated. My other option would be to run a VM on windows 10 with native Linux UI and terminal, which would probably work.
但是有没有办法在 WSL 中进行所有设置?
But is there a way to have it all setup in WSL?
试试这个(在 wsl2 中测试)
Try this (tested in wsl2)
在您的 wsl2 ubuntu 控制台中输入以下命令:
In your wsl2 ubuntu console enter the following commands:
#install packages
sudo apt-get install -y curl unzip xvfb libxi6 libgconf-2-4
#get latest chrome
wget https://dl.google.com/linux/direct/google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb
#install it
sudo apt install ./google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb
#test a screenshot
google-chrome --headless --disable-gpu --screenshot https://www.chromestatus.com/
这篇关于运行“google-chrome"在 WSL Ubuntu 上作为 --headless --no 沙箱给出了多个错误 - 如何在 WSL 中使用 headless 截取屏幕截图?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!