


I am working on some spatial data on a computer and since the data is confidential, there is no internet connection for that computer. So how do I use python to do geocoding offline?


输出应为: 38.897797,-77.036530


术语地理编码"是指将正确的街道地址(例如"CA Main St,圣地亚哥,CA 92101")转换为经/纬度位置.另一方面,您的示例是通常所说的兴趣点(POI)解析",其中兴趣点是通过名称而不是地址给出的.

Term "geocoding" refers to converting a proper street address like "123 Main St, San Diego, CA 92101" into a lat/lon location. Your example, on the other hand, is of what is typically called "point of interest (POI) resolution", where the point of interest is given by its name and not by address.

有一些离线地理编码选项,包括 YAddress (警告:我在该公司工作做到了.

There are options for off-line geocoding, including YAddress (ad warning: I work for the company that makes it).

离线POI解决方案的选项在 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1875255中进行了讨论/open-source-poi-database

Options for off-line POI resolution are discussed in https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1875255/open-source-poi-database


08-20 19:43