如果我在 C++ 中有一个 struct
If I have a struct
in C++, is there no way to safely read/write it to a file that is cross-platform/compiler compatible?
Because if I understand correctly, every compiler 'pads' differently based on the target platform.
没有.这是不可能的.这是因为缺乏二进制级别的 C++ 标准化.
No. That is not possible. It's because of lack of standardization of C++ at the binary level.
Don Box 写道(引用自他的书 基本 COM,COM As A Better C++)
Don Box writes (quoting from his book Essential COM, chapter COM As A Better C++)
一旦做出决定将 C++ 类作为 DLL 分发,一个面临着最根本的问题之一C++的弱点,即缺乏二进制级别的标准化.尽管 ISO/ANSI C++ 草案工作文件试图编纂哪些程序将编译以及什么运行它们的语义效果将是,它没有尝试标准化C++ 的二进制运行时模型.这第一次这个问题会变成明显的是当客户尝试链接时针对 FastString DLL 的导入库来自一个 C++ 开发环境 other比用于构建FastString DLL.
结构填充由不同的编译器完成.即使您使用相同的编译器,结构的包装对齐方式也可能因 pragma pack 您正在使用.
Struct padding is done differently by different compilers. Even if you use the same compiler, the packing alignment for structs can be different based on what pragma pack you're using.
Not only that if you write two structs whose members are exactly same, the only difference is that the order in which they're declared is different, then the size of each struct can be (and often is) different.
struct A
char c;
char d;
int i;
struct B
char c;
int i;
char d;
int main() {
cout << sizeof(A) << endl;
cout << sizeof(B) << endl;
用 gcc-4.3.4
Compile it with gcc-4.3.4
, and you get this output:
That is, sizes are different even though both structs have the same members!
The bottom line is that the standard doesn't talk about how padding should be done, and so the compilers are free to make any decision and you cannot assume all compilers make the same decision.