


I'm looking for a collection that offers list semantics, but also allows array semantics. Say I have a list with the following items:

apple orange carrot pear


then my container array would:

container[0] == apple
container[1] == orangle
container[2] == carrot


Then say I delete the orange element:

container[0] == apple
container[1] == carrot


I want to collapse gaps in the array without having to do an explicit resizing, Ie if I delete container[0], then the container collapses, so that container[1] is now mapped as container[0], and container[2] as container[1], etc. I still need to access the list with array semantics, and null values aren't allow (in my particular use case).


要回答一些问题 - 我知道O(1)是不可能的,但我不想接近O(日志N)阵列语义的容器。排序的失败的目的,我可以遍历列表。

To answer some questions - I know O(1) is impossible, but I don't want a container with array semantics approaching O(log N). Sort of defeats the purpose, I could just iterate the list.

我本来在这里的排序顺序一些空话,我不知道我当时(星期五啤酒邻时钟最有可能的)思考。其中一个用例是包含图像的Qt名单 - 从列表中删除的图像应折叠列表,从列表中没有采取必要的最后一个项目,并把它扔在它的地方。在这种情况下,然而,我确实想preserve列表语义。

I originally had some verbiage here on sort order, I'm not sure what I was thinking at the time (Friday beer-o-clock most likely). One of the use-cases is Qt list that contains images - deleting an image from the list should collapse the list, not necessary take the last item from the list and throw it in it's place. In this case, yet, I do want to preserve list semantics.

   阵列 - 常量时间访问
   列表 - 任意插入

The key differences I see as separating list and array: Array - constant-time access List - arbitrary insertion


I'm also not overly concerned if rebalancing invalidates iterators.


您可以做一个ArrayList /矢量(Java / C ++),当你删除,而不是与删除元素第一个交换的最后一个元素。所以,如果你有ABCDE,并且删除C,你最终会与ABE D.请注意,为E引用将在2,而不是4看看现在(假设索引为0),但你说的排序顺序不是问题

You could do an ArrayList/Vector (Java/C++) and when you delete, instead swap the last element with the deleted element first. So if you have A B C D E, and you delete C, you'll end up with A B E D. Note that references to E will have to look at 2 instead of 4 now (assuming 0 indexed) but you said sort order isn't a problem.


I don't know if it handles this automatically (optimized for removing from the end easily) but if it's not you could easily write your own array-wrapper class.


08-07 06:36