



我在 iPhone 上触发 keyup 事件时遇到了一些问题,我的代码如下:

I'm having a few issues getting a keyup event to fire on my iPhone, my code is as follows:

        var passwordArray = ["word", "test", "hello", "another", "here"];

        var test = document.getElementById('enter-password');
        test.addEventListener('keyup', function(e) {

            if (jQuery.inArray(this.value, passwordArray) != -1) {
                alert("THIS IS WORKING");
            } else {}


这个想法是,当用户在 #enter-password 字段中输入时,当他们在 passwordArray 中匹配一个单词时,警报将触发.这适用于桌面,例如一旦您输入word,该功能将在您输入d 后立即触发.有没有办法让它也适用于移动设备?

The idea being that as the user is typing into the #enter-password field, as and when they've matched a word in the passwordArray the alert will fire. This works on desktop, e.g. once you've entered word the function will fire straight away as soon as you've typed the d. Is there anyway to get this to work for mobile too?



You can add input event. It is an event that triggers whenever the input changes. Input works both on desktop as well as mobile phones

test.on('keyup input', function(){

您可以查看此答案以了解有关 jQuery 输入事件

You can check this answer for more details on jQuery Input Event


08-07 06:08