


I have the following code that programmatically / dynamically creates a frame and adds an option button:

Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()

    Dim cb1234Frame As MsForms.Frame
    Dim opbtn1 As MsForms.OptionButton

    Set cb1234Frame = RT_Graph_Form.Controls.Add("Forms.Frame.1")

    With cb1234Frame
        .Top = 132
        .Left = 12
        .Height = 30
        .Width = 144
        .Caption = "Number of Graphs to Display"
    End With

    Set opbtn1 = cb1234Frame.Controls.Add("Forms.OptionButton.1")

    With opbtn1
        .Top = 6
        .Left = 6
        .Height = 18
        .Width = 21.75
        .Caption = "1"
    End With

End Sub


Private Sub opbtn1_Click()

    MsgBox "Test Successful!!"

End Sub



The problem is that event handlers need to be bound at compile-time: you cannot create an event handler for a dynamically created control.

添加新的类模块转到项目,将其命名为 DynamicOptionButton 。此类的作用是包装MSForms控件并对其进行编译时引用:

Add a new class module to your project, call it DynamicOptionButton. The role of this class is to wrap the MSForms control and have a compile-time reference to it:

Option Explicit
Private WithEvents Wrapper As MSForms.OptionButton

Public Sub Initialize(ByVal ctrl As MSForms.OptionButton)
    Set Wrapper = ctrl
End Sub

Private Sub Wrapper_Click()
    MsgBox "Works!"
End Sub

请注意,只有一部分事件可以处理:什么事件可用,具体取决于您使用- MSForms.Control 声明包装引用的接口,其中有许多事件(和属性), MSForms .OptionButton 还有另一套设置:您可能需要声明两个接口(例如,同一对象的2个包装器)才能访问所有成员。

Note that only a subset of the events will be available to handle: what events are available, depend on the interface you're declaring the wrapper reference with - MSForms.Control has a number of events (and properties), MSForms.OptionButton has another set: you may need to declare both interfaces (i.e. 2 wrappers for the same object) in order to access all the members.

现在在表单的声明部分中,您需要保留对所有包装的引用,否则对象将超出范围,并且处理程序将无法正常工作。 集合可以做到:

Now in your form's declarations section, you'll need to hold a reference to all wrappers, otherwise the objects just fall out of scope and the handlers won't work. A Collection can do that:

Option Explicit
Private ControlWrappers As Collection

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
    Set ControlWrappers = New Collection
End Sub


Private Sub CreateOptionButton()
    Dim ctrl As MSForms.OptionButton
    Set ctrl = Me.Controls.Add("Forms.OptionButton.1")
    'set properties...

    Dim wrap As DynamicOptionButton
    Set wrap = New DynamicOptionButton
    wrap.Initialize ctrl

    ControlWrappers.Add wrap
End Sub

小心不要在表单自身的代码中引用表单的类名:global-scope RT_Graph_Form 标识符是指VBA控制的默认实例自动实例化的对象,该对象可能是也可能不是所显示的实际表单实例。您要将动态控件添加到 Me.Controls ,而不是 RT_Graph_Form.Controls

Be careful to never reference the form's class name in the form's own code-behind: the global-scope RT_Graph_Form identifier refers to a VBA-controlled "default instance" auto-instantiated object that may or may not be the actual form instance that's being shown. You want to add your dynamic controls to Me.Controls, not RT_Graph_Form.Controls.

现在,我们可以处理运行时产生的控件事件,但是还有另一个问题: DynamicOptionButton 类中的事件处理程序没有引用

Now, we can handle events of controls spawned at run-time, but there's another problem: the event handler in the DynamicOptionButton class has no reference to the form it's on!


每个MSForms控件的父项属性;您可以通过递归地使用 Parent 属性,直到返回的引用为<$ c,来获取父 UserForm $ c> UserForm -从那里您可以访问公开公开的所有内容。

Every MSForms control has a Parent property; you can get ahold of the parent UserForm by recursively going up the Parent property until the returned reference is a UserForm - and from there you can access everything that's publicly exposed.


08-07 06:07