


After my REST call and some database inserts I want to emit a new notification to the frontend via socket.io like this:

socket.broadcast.emit('send notification', notification);


Since the function I'm doing this in was triggered via REST and not via socket.io I don't have the variable 'socket'.


I thought at first I can just get 'io' like:

var io = require('socket.io') // or like: require('socket.io')(3000)


from here I thought I can get the namespace like:

var nsp = io.of('/notification-list');
nsp.on('connection', function (socket) { ... }


But io seems to be undefined (or if I use it with port 3000 I get EADDRINUSE, because obviously socket.io is connected to


This might be a very silly question, but since I can't figure it out on my own: How can I get the socket ready to use in this function? Any help would be much appreciated!



I tried friend00's solution, but I still can't figure out on how to do this.

in my server.js 我创建服务器&导入我的socketIO这样的东西:

in my server.js I create the server & import my socketIO stuff like this:

var server =
http.createServer(app).listen(app.get('port'), function () {

然后我的 socketIoListener.js

var sockio = require("socket.io");
var io;

function initIO(server) {
    if (!server) { throw new Error("ERR"); }
    if (!io) {
        io = sockio.listen(server);
    return io;

module.exports.getIO = function () {
    if (!io) {  throw new Error("ERR"); }
    return io;

module.exports = function (server) {
io = initIO(server);

var nspNotification = io.of('/notification-list');
nspNotification.on('connection', function (socket) {
    socket.on('get notificationList', function (data) {
        notification.findNotifications(socket, data);
    // ...


now I tried in the function I wanted to emit something via socket.io:

var io = require("socket.io").getIO();


var ioServer = require('../socketio_listener/socketIoListener');


TypeError: undefined is not a function


我找到了解决方案,虽然我不太确定为什么之前有问题:我感动了 module.exports.getIO = function()到底部,现在它工作得很好。虽然我认为 socketIoListener.js 中的位置并不重要,但显然是这样。

I found the solution, although I'm not quite sure why it was a problem before: I moved module.exports.getIO = function () to the bottom and now it works just fine. Although I thought the placement within the socketIoListener.js didn't matter it appearently did.


您必须通过导出或模块方法调用的某种组合将单个服务器端 io 变量共享给其他模块。

You will have to share the single server-side io variable to your other modules via some combination of export or module method calls.


Once you have the socket.io listener initialized like this:

var io = require('socket.io').listen(server);

您需要共享特定的 io 实例与其他想要使用 socket.io 的模块。您如何分享它取决于您的代码结构以及您尝试共享它的位置。

You will need to share specific io instance with other modules that want to use socket.io. How exactly you share it depends upon the structure of your code and where you're trying to share it to.


For example, you could have a module that just managed the initialization of io:

var sockio = require("socket.io");
var io;

// mysocketio.js
// constructor function - should only be called once and passed the http server
module.exports = function(server) {
    if (!server) {
        throw new Error("Must pass http server instance to mysocketio module constructor");
    if (!io) {
        io = sockio.listen(server);
    return io;

module.exports.getIO = function() {
    if (!io) {
        throw new Error("Must call constructor of mysocketio module before getIO()");
    return io;


Then, in the one place you initialize it up with a specific http server, you could do this:

var io = require("mysocketio")(server);


In the other modules where you just want to use the "already initialized" io, you could do this:

var io = require("mysocketio").getIO();


08-07 05:55