



有,尽管CAP定理。这是怎么可能的? CAP定理与(可能/不可能)是ACID之间的关系是什么?

There are NoSQL ACID (distributed) databases, despite CAP theorem. How this is possible? What's the relation between CAP theorem and (possible/not possible of) being ACID?



CAP theorem is actually a bit misleading. The fact you can have a CA design is nonsense because when a partition occurs you necessarily have a problem regarding consistency (data synchronization issue for example) or availability (latency). That's why there is a more accurate theorem stating that :

在分布式系统中的分区 / strong>和可用性

During a partition in a distributed system, you must chose between consistency and availability.


Still in practice it is not that simple. You should note that the choice between consistency and availability isn't binary. You can even have some degree of both. For example regarding ACID, you can have atomic and durable transactions with NoSQL, but forfeit a degree of isolation and consistency for better availability. Availability can then be assimilated to latency because your response time will depend on several factors (is the nearest server available ?).


So, to answer your question, this is usually marketing bullshit. You need to actually scratch the surface to see what the solution is exactly gaining and forfeiting.


If you want deeper explanations you can look here, here or here.


08-07 05:46