

在我的应用程序Backbone.js的,有一个行程集合持有旅行车型,这正与的localStorage 。我能叫 Trips.create(form_attributes)以创建和旅行保存到托多斯店

In my backbone.js app, there is a Trips collection that holds Trip models, which is working with LocalStorage. I am able to call Trips.create(form_attributes) to create and save a trip to the Todos store.

当我第一次加载我的应用程序,我称之为 Trips.fetch({成功:trips_fetch_success}) trips_fetch_success 接收,显示旅行车型的响应行程集合成立。

When I first load my app, I call Trips.fetch({ success: trips_fetch_success }), and trips_fetch_success receives a response that shows the Trip models that the Trips collection holds.

我试图绑定刷新更改事件到行程集合,但这些事件没有被抓住,让我相信我有这个错误的观念有关的事件 Trips.fetch 触发。

I have tried to bind refresh and change events to the Trips collection, but these events are not being caught, making me believe I have the wrong idea about which events Trips.fetch triggers.

我的问题:哪些事件是 Trips.fetch 触发?并且是事件触发的集合或在每个单独的旅行车型

My question: which events should Trips.fetch trigger? And are the events triggered on the collection or on each of the individual Trip models?



Collection.fetch() will call reset on success, which in turn will trigger a 'reset' event. Any subscribers to the collections reset event should receive the event.


The key here is "on success." I had this problem, only to discover that backbone was silently swallowing my errors messages. Pass in an error handler that, at least, logs to console.log(), and see what's happening:

trips.fetch({error: function() { console.log(arguments); }});


(Note: Old versions of backbone.js will trigger "refresh" instead of "reset")


09-17 09:04