




Is there any software available in linux which compiles a source code containing large number of files parallely on either multicore or distributed systems. Libraries like gcc or xserver takes very time for compilation on unicore/dual machine and most of the times it is frustrating when you need lot of recompilation. Is there any technique for compiling such source code parallely ?


在分布式内存系统上,您可以使用 distcc 将编译作业分发给其他计算机.这需要一些设置,但是如果碰巧有一些额外的机器,它确实可以加快构建速度.

On distributed-memory systems, you can use distcc to farm out compile jobs to other machines. This takes a little bit of setup, but it can really speed up your build if you happen to have some extra machines around.

在共享内存多核系统上,您可以仅使用 make -j ,它将尝试根据您的makefile中的依赖项来生成构建作业.您可以这样运行:

On shared-memory multicore systems, you can just use make -j, which will try to spawn build jobs based on the dependencies in your makefiles. You can run like this:

$ make -j


which will impose no limit on the number of jobs spawned, or you can run with an integer parameter:

$ make -j8


which will limit the number of concurrent build jobs. Here, the limit is 8 concurrent jobs. Usually you want this to be something close to the number of cores on your system.


08-07 05:37