





  • version only template 文件,这将总是被推送到您的常见内容回购

  • 保留私人价值文件(其中包含正确值的文件,这些文件始终会被您的git回购和从未推送)
  • 版本脚本文件能够获取模板文件,值文件并自动生成正确值的最终结果文件。生成的文件也不会被推送,也可能被git仓库忽略。 自动结帐。


    结帐时,在 smudge 脚本中,

    In the types of coding projects that I work on, there is often a common code base that people use, and then build their own personalized code on top of it. A way to do this would be to keep the common base code in it's own git-hub repository, which people can then fork and modify.

    However, when pushing changes to the common base code repository, you don't want to include your personalized code, so you have to be careful not to include it when merging. Is there a simple way to do this without having to tell git to ignore the personalized code every time?

    If possible, I would prefer to avoid having a separate fork of the base code for the specific purpose of making changes to the base code.


    If the personalization is limited to certain files, with a way to detect just be looking at its content, then you could:

    • version only template files, which would always be pushed to your "common content" repo
    • keep private value files (files with the right values in it, which are always ignored by your git repo and never pushed)
    • version script files able to take a template file, a value file, and generate the right valued end-result file automatically. That generated file wouldn't be pushed either, and would also be ignored by your git repo.

    The idea is to make that generation automatically on checkout.
    You do that by declaring a content filter driver.

    On checkout, in the smudge script, detect the content (those 'filter driver' scripts don't have the name of the files they are filtering) of a your template files, and generate the right content by looking for a value file in a specific path.


08-07 05:18