


How is the URL set when an application is deployed on WAS server? Other than the context path I am setting, I am getting a /faces/ in the URL. I have no clue from where this is coming from.


/faces/可识别为JSF 1.0/1.1样式的URL模式,其中FacesServlet通常默认情况下是基于IDE生成的项目configuratoin映射的.后来没有被开发者编辑.您可以在web.xml中看到以下内容:

The /faces/ is recognizable as JSF 1.0/1.1-style URL pattern where FacesServlet is often by default mapped on based on IDE-generated project configuratoin which weren't edited afterwards by the developer. You can see this in web.xml as something like this:

    <servlet-name>Faces Servlet<servlet-name>

也许例如还有<welcome-file> faces/index.xhtml左右.

Perhaps there's also a <welcome-file> on e.g. faces/index.xhtml or so.


In order to get rid of it, just replace it by *.xhtml.

    <servlet-name>Faces Servlet<servlet-name>


This way you can open the JSF page by http://example.com/context/page.xhtml instead of http://example.com/context/faces/page.xhtml in order to trigger the FacesServlet (it's namely the one responsible for all the JSF works).

或者,当您实际使用旧版JSF 1.x和/或实际使用旧版JSP而不是其后续产品Facelets(XHTML)时,则可以使用*.jsf.

Or, when you're actually using legacy JSF 1.x and/or when you're actually using legacy JSP instead of its successor Facelets (XHTML), then you could use *.jsf instead.

    <servlet-name>Faces Servlet<servlet-name>


This way you can open the JSF page by http://example.com/context/page.jsf instead of http://example.com/context/faces/page.jsp.


08-07 05:09