I'm learning about multilayer perceptrons, and looking to tackle some real-world problems in Matlab. Perhaps something like medical diagnosis, or speech recognition... But I'm not really sure where to start here. How should I tackle this?
当涉及多层感知器时,Geoff Hinton就是其中的一员.他在2006年发表的《科学》杂志上使用了一种特殊的MLP类,称为自动编码器",在数字识别,面部识别和文档分类(所有这些方法在现实世界中都有成功)方面取得了成功:使用神经网络降低数据的维数
Geoff Hinton is the man when it comes to multilayer perceptrons. His Science paper from 2006 used a special class of MLP called an "autoencoder" that was successful in digit recognition, facial recognition, and document classification (all of which have real world applications):Reducing the Dimensionality of Data with Neural Networks
幸运的是,他们还出版了《 Matlab代码.
Fortunately, they also published theMatlab code.