




AsyncTasks应理想地用于短操作(在几秒钟  在最。)


Is the problem with a doInBackground that takes, say, 30 seconds that the thread pool might run out of threads? And if that's the reason, would it cease to be a problem if I ensure my app will never have more than one such long running doInBackground executing concurrently?



I believe that AyncTasks are in general still tied to the foreground activity stack that spawned them, so that e.g. if an Activity spawns an AsyncTask, the user leaves the app, and then the OS is short of memory, it will kill the Activity's process (including the still-running AsyncTask), and just expect you to restore the state and start over if the user resumes/returns to your app.


For longer-running tasks, particularly the sort where there will only be only one or a few, you probably want a Service instead, because those can persist even when your app's UI is shut down to save memory.


Disclaimer: I haven't done Android coding in awhile, so this answer may be out of date or based on a flawed understanding of how things work. I will remove this caveat if someone with more recent experience can comment to confirm; high-rep folks are welcome to just edit this paragraph away instead if they know this is correct.


08-07 04:49