




I'm thinking about making a networked game. I'm a little new to this, and have already run into a lot of issues trying to put together a good plan for dead reckoning and network latency, so I'd love to see some good literature on the topic. I'll describe the methods I've considered.


Originally, I just sent the player's input to the server, simulated there, and broadcast changes in the game state to all players. This made cheating difficult, but under high latency things were a little difficult to control, since you dont see the results of your own actions immediately.


This GamaSutra article has a solution that saves bandwidth and makes local input appear smooth by simulating on the client as well, but it seems to throw cheat-proofing out the window. Also, I'm not sure what to do when players start manipulating the environment, pushing rocks and the like. These previously neutral objects would temporarily become objects the client needs to send PDUs about, or perhaps multiple players do at once. Whose PDUs would win? When would the objects stop being doubly tracked by each player (to compare with the dead reckoned version)? Heaven forbid two players engage in a sumo match (e.g. start pushing each other).

此gamedev.net位显示gamasutra解决方案不够充分,但描述了另一种方法并不能真正解决我的协作式巨石推销示例.我发现的大多数其他事情都是针对射手的.我希望看到更适合像SNES Zelda这样玩的游戏,但涉及更多的物理/动量.

This gamedev.net bit shows the gamasutra solution as inadequate, but describes a different method that doesn't really fix my collaborative boulder-pushing example. Most other things I've found are specific to shooters. I'd love to see something more geared toward games that play like SNES Zelda, but with a little more physics / momentum involved.

  • 注意:我不是在这里询问物理模拟-其他库已经介绍了.在网络延迟的情况下,使游戏流畅,反应灵敏的公正策略.


查看Valve在源引擎中的工作方式: http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Source_Multiplayer_Networking

Check out how Valve does it in the Source Engine: http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Source_Multiplayer_Networking


If it's for a first person shooter you'll probably have to delve into some of the topics they mention such as: prediction, compensation, and interpolation.


08-07 04:48