




In my play screen has a lot of textures Texture, fonts FreeType, images scene2d.Image and buttons scene2d.Button. So, when I set play screen

((Game) Gdx.app.getApplicationListener()).setScreen(new PlayScreen());




Do I create a new class to create all assets then load them on the screens?


你应该使用 AssetManager.管理器允许您在开始游戏时加载资产.它还具有显示加载资产百分比的功能,因此您可以显示进度条.有很多资源可以向您展示如何使用 AssetManager.有些人向您展示了带有静态 AssetManager 的示例,但是 badlogic 不鼓励这样做,并且可能导致黑色图像.

You should use the AssetManager. The manager allows you to load your assets when you start the game. It also has the functionality to show you the percentage of assets loaded so you can show a progress bar. There are plenty of sources out there that show you how to use the AssetManager. Some show you examples with a static AssetManager but this is discouraged by badlogic and can cause black images.

您应该创建一个类来存储您想要与管理器处理的资产,并且管理器将异步加载它.我喜欢使用 AssetDescriptor 并使用静态描述符来查找我的纹理.但是您可以通过多种不同的方式使用 AssetManager.您可以像 manager.load("images/sometexture.png, Texture.class); 那样向管理器添加一些东西,然后通过执行 manager.get("images/sometexture.png"); 这样它可以简单地通过它的路径查找纹理.

You should make a class where you store your assets you want to handle with the manager and the manager will load it asynchronously. I like to work with the AssetDescriptor and using static descriptors to lookup my textures. but there are many different ways you can work with the AssetManager. You can just add a something to the manager like so manager.load("images/sometexture.png, Texture.class); and look it up by doing manager.get("images/sometexture.png"); this way it simple looks up the textures by it's path.

public class Assets {
public AssetManager manager = new AssetManager();

    public static final AssetDescriptor<Texture> someTexture =
        new AssetDescriptor<Texture>("images/sometexture.png", Texture.class);

public static final AssetDescriptor<TextureAtlas> uiAtlas =
        new AssetDescriptor<TextureAtlas>("ui/uiskin.pack", TextureAtlas.class);

public static final AssetDescriptor<Skin> uiSkin =
        new AssetDescriptor<Skin>("ui/uiskin.json", Skin.class,
                new SkinLoader.SkinParameter("ui/uiskin.pack"));

public void load()

public void dispose()


In the entry point I create a splash screen with a logo then I start loading my assets. Here is how you load the assets.

public class MyGame extends Game
  public void create()
    Assets assets = new Assets();
    assets.manager.load(); //starts loading assets

    //option 1
    assets.manager.finishLoading(); //Continues when done loading.
    //it won't continue until all assets are finished loading.

  //option 2
public void update()
    //draw something nice to look at
    if (manager.update())
      //Assets have finished loading, change screen maybe?
      setScreen(new MenuScreen(assets)); //your screen should take a Assets object in it's constructor.


Perhaps you can load your menu assets like you normally and let the asset manager work while the user is in the menu. That is up to you. This is how you load a asset.

someTexture = assets.manager.get(Assets.someTexture);
atlas = assets.manager.get(Assets.uiAtlas);
skin = assets.manager.get(Assets.uiSkin);

同样的规则适用于在您的地图集中查找区域,最好是对地图集中的每个区域执行一次.您必须将 Assets 对象传递到您需要加载资产的任何地方.将其设为 public 静态很诱人,但它可能会导致问题.

The same rules apply for looking up regions in your atlas, best is to do this a single time for each region in your atlas. You have to pass around the Assets object around to anywhere you need to load assets. It makes it tempting to make it public static but it can cause issues.


08-07 04:48