I'm looking at the document of Rename-Item
and there is an example like this.
PS C:\>Get-ChildItem *.txt | Rename-Item -NewName { $_.name -Replace '\.txt','.log' }
此命令将当前目录中的所有.txt文件重命名为 .log.
This command renames all of the .txt files in the current directory to .log.
该命令使用Get-ChildItem cmdlet来获取其中的所有文件 具有.txt文件扩展名的当前文件夹.然后呢 使用管道运算符(|)将这些文件发送到Rename-Item.
The command uses the Get-ChildItem cmdlet to get all of the files in the current folder that have a .txt file name extension. Then, it uses the pipeline operator (|) to send those files to Rename-Item .
NewName的值是一个脚本块,该脚本块在该值之前运行 提交给NewName参数.
The value of NewName is a script block that runs before the value is submitted to the NewName parameter.
The value of NewName is a script block that runs before the value is submitted to the NewName parameter.
[-NewName] <String>
So does that means I can always use a script block when the required parameter type is a string?
延迟绑定脚本块参数是 隐式 >功能:
Delay-bind script-block arguments are an implicit feature that:
仅与旨在接受管道输入的参数一起使用 ,
only works with parameters that are designed to take pipeline input,
属性-请参见这个答案为例.Note: Unlike script blocks passed to
, for example, delay-bind script blocks run in a child variable scope, which means that you cannot directly modify the caller's variables, such as incrementing a counter across input objects.
As a workaround, use a[ref]
-typed variable declared in the caller's scope and access its.Value
property inside the script block - see this answer for an example.[1]错误条件:
类型(未键入)的参数, 常规参数绑定:
If you mistakenly attempt to pass a script block to a parameter that is either not pipeline-binding or is
- or[object]
-typed (untyped), regular parameter-binding occurs:
- 在流水线输入处理开始之前(如果有的话)在一次中传递脚本块.
也就是说,脚本块作为(可能是转换的)值传递,并且没有评估发生.- 对于类型为
),脚本块将按原样绑定 . - 对于(非管道绑定)
类型的参数,脚本块的文字内容作为字符串值传递. - 对于所有其他类型,参数绑定(以及整个命令)将简单地失败,因为无法从脚本块进行转换.
- The script block is passed once, before pipeline-input processing begins, if any.
That is, the script block is passed as a (possibly converted) value, and no evaluation happens.- For parameters of type
/ a delegate type such asSystem.Func
that is convertible to a script block, the script block will bind as-is. - In the case of a (non-pipeline-binding)
-typed parameter, the script block's literal contents is passed as the string value. - For all other types, parameter binding - and therefore the command as a whole - will simply fail, since conversion from a script block is not possible.
If you neglect to provide pipeline input while passing a delay-bind script block to a pipeline-binding parameter that does support them, you'll get the following error:
Cannot evaluate parameter '<name>' because its argument is specified as a script block and there is no input. A script block cannot be evaluated without input.
这篇关于对于PowerShell cmdlet,是否可以始终将脚本块传递给字符串参数?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!
- For parameters of type
- 对于类型为