

本文介绍了在Spring Boot中反序列化Redis缓存到对象的问题的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我在Client类中使用JsonNode处理MySQL 8数据库中具有JSON类型的字段.即使使用API​​请求,它也可以很好地工作.但是,当我启用Redis缓存(我确实需要它)时,我注意到Redis无法序列化JsonNode.我在互联网上搜索以更改Redis的序列化方法.并提出了以下代码:

I use JsonNode in my Client class to deal with a field with JSON type in MySQL 8 database. It works very well even with API requests. But when I enable caching with Redis (which I really need it), I notice that Redis is not able to serialize JsonNode. I searched the internet for changing the serialization method of Redis. and came up with the following code:

public class RedisConfig {

    public ObjectMapper objectMapper() {
        return Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder.json()
                .serializationInclusion(JsonInclude.Include.NON_NULL) // Don’t include null values
                .featuresToDisable(SerializationFeature.WRITE_DATES_AS_TIMESTAMPS) //ISODate

    public RedisTemplate getRedisTemplate(ObjectMapper objectMapper, RedisConnectionFactory redisConnectionFactory){
        RedisTemplate redisTemplate = new RedisTemplate<>();
        redisTemplate.setDefaultSerializer(new GenericJackson2JsonRedisSerializer(objectMapper));
        return redisTemplate;

    public RedisCacheConfiguration defaultCacheConfig(ObjectMapper objectMapper) {
        return RedisCacheConfiguration.defaultCacheConfig()
                .serializeKeysWith(RedisSerializationContext.SerializationPair.fromSerializer(new StringRedisSerializer()))
                .serializeValuesWith(RedisSerializationContext.SerializationPair.fromSerializer(new GenericJackson2JsonRedisSerializer(objectMapper)));



It serializes my objects successfully and put them in Redis successfully, but cannot to deserialize them!. And produces the following error:


@Table( name = "clients" )
@TypeDef(name = "json", typeClass = JsonStringType.class)
public class Client  {
     * Id of the user
    @GeneratedValue( strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY )
    private Long id;
     * UUID of the user.
    @Column( name = "uuid", unique = true, updatable = false, nullable = false )
    private String uuid;

     * Name of the client
    @Column( name = "name", unique = true, nullable = false )
    @Size( min=4, max=128, message = "" )
    @NotBlank( message = "" )
    private String name;

     * Status of the client. Each client could have several statues.
     * 1.
    @Column( name = "client_status_id" )
    @NotNull( message = "client.exception.status.isNull" )
    @Enumerated( EnumType.ORDINAL )
    private ClientStatus clientStatus = ClientStatus.Undefined;

     * Email address of the client.
    @Column( name = "email" )
    @NotBlank( message = "")
    @Size( min=5, max = 128, message = "")
    @Email( message = "" )
    private String email;

     * ClientNotFoundByIdException's phone number.
    @Column( name = "phone" )
    @NotBlank( message = "" )
    @Size( min=3, max = 32, message = "")
    @Phone( message = "" )
    private String phone;

     * Whether client is active or not.
    @Column( name = "is_active" )
    private Boolean isActive = true;

     * Default timezone of the client.
    @Column( name = "timezone" )
    @NotBlank( message = "client.exception.timezone.isBlank" )
    @Size( min = 4, max = 64, message = "client.exception.timezone.size" )
    @TimeZone( message = "client.exception.timezone.notValid" )
    private String timezone;

     * Country code of the client in ISO 3166-2
    @Column( name = "country" )
    @NotBlank( message = "" )
    @Size( min = 2, max = 4, message = "" )
    @Country( message = "" )
    private String country;

    @Column( name = "language" )
    @NotBlank( message = "client.exception.language.isBlank" )
    @Size( min = 2, max = 3, message = "client.exception.language.size" )
    private String language;

     * Extra fields for client in json
    @Column( name = "fields", columnDefinition = "json" )
    @Type( type = "json" )
    @NotNull( message = "client.exception.fields.isNull" )
    private JsonNode fields;

     * Creation time of the record.
    @Column( name = "created_at", updatable = false )
    @NotNull( message = "client.exception.createdAt.isNull")
    private Instant createdAt;

     * The user that created the record.
    @JoinColumn( name = "created_by" )
    private User createdBy;

     * In which time the record is modified.
    @Column( name = "updated_at" )
    @NotNull( message = "client.exception.updatedAt.isNull" )
    private Instant updatedAt;

     * By whom the record is modified.
    @JoinColumn( name = "updated_by" )
    private User updatedBy;

     * The time in which the record is deleted.
    private Instant deletedAt;

     * By whom the record is deleted.
    @JoinColumn( name = "deleted_by" )
    private User deleteBy;

     * Version of the record.
    private Long version;



I noticed tht the error is not related to JsonNode, It throws the exception when I use GenericJackson2JsonRedisSerializer.


我遇到了非常相似的问题,解决方案很奇怪,但是很简单-删除 devtools 依赖项.

I had very similar problem and the solution was strange, but simple - remove devtools dependency.


这篇关于在Spring Boot中反序列化Redis缓存到对象的问题的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-07 04:16