



我有2个应用程序在redis Server的帮助下相互通信,在我的第一个应用程序中,我可以序列化和反序列化,并且可以使用以下类型的对象

I have 2 applications that are communicate amongst each other with the help of a redis Server, In my first application i am able to serialize and de serialize and object of the following type

 "$type": "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[[System.Int32, mscorlib],   [OPCMessagingService.Resource, OPCMessagingService]], mscorlib",
 "71": {
"$type": "OPCMessagingService.Resource, OPCMessagingService",
"SiteID": 2,
"ResourceID": 71,
"ProcessOrder": "001000380873",
"CurrentStatus": 0,
"CycleTime": 55,
"DeviceList": [
    "$type": "OPCMessagingService.StackLight, OPCMessagingService",
    "ResourceId": 71,
    "DeviceIp": "",
    "ComPort": "COM14"
    "$type": "OPCMessagingService.LED, OPCMessagingService",
    "ResourceId": 71,
    "DeviceIp": "",
    "ComPort": "COM10",
    "IsMessageDelivered": false,
    "RetryCount": 3,
    "IsRetryRequired": true,
    "_messageHeader": ":*HF601011471",
    "_messageText": "DISPOMELT 5245 BULK - 0020 -投矿物油,树脂,液体树脂和橡胶",
    "_delayedMessageText": "",
    "_counter": 0
"UpdateDate": 20150120,
"UpdateTime": 231506,
"CurrentDate": 20150124,
"CurrentTime": 151513,
"CurrentMessage": "DISPOMELT 5245 BULK - 0020 -投矿物油,树脂,液体树脂和橡胶"
  "72": {
"$type": "OPCMessagingService.Resource, OPCMessagingService",
"SiteID": 2,
"ResourceID": 72,
"ProcessOrder": "001000380874",
"CurrentStatus": 0,
"CycleTime": 60,
"DeviceList": [
    "$type": "OPCMessagingService.LED, OPCMessagingService",
    "ResourceId": 72,
    "DeviceIp": "",
    "ComPort": "COM100",
    "IsMessageDelivered": false,
    "RetryCount": 3,
    "IsRetryRequired": true,
    "_messageHeader": ":*HF601011471",
    "_messageText": "DISPOMELT 5245 BULK - 0050 -熔树脂",
    "_delayedMessageText": "",
    "_counter": 0
    "$type": "OPCMessagingService.LED, OPCMessagingService",
    "ResourceId": 72,
    "DeviceIp": "",
    "ComPort": "COM11",
    "IsMessageDelivered": false,
    "RetryCount": 3,
    "IsRetryRequired": true,
    "_messageHeader": ":*HF601011471",
    "_messageText": "DISPOMELT 5245 BULK - 0050 -熔树脂",
    "_delayedMessageText": "",
    "_counter": 0
    "$type": "OPCMessagingService.StackLight, OPCMessagingService",
    "ResourceId": 72,
    "DeviceIp": "",
    "ComPort": "COM15"
    "$type": "OPCMessagingService.StackLight, OPCMessagingService",
    "ResourceId": 72,
    "DeviceIp": "",
    "ComPort": "COM101"
"UpdateDate": 20150120,
"UpdateTime": 231534,
"CurrentDate": 20150124,
"CurrentTime": 151513,
"CurrentMessage": "DISPOMELT 5245 BULK - 0050 -熔树脂"
  "73": {
"$type": "OPCMessagingService.Resource, OPCMessagingService",
"SiteID": 2,
"ResourceID": 73,
"ProcessOrder": "001000375454",
"CurrentStatus": 0,
"CycleTime": 60,
"DeviceList": [
    "$type": "OPCMessagingService.LED, OPCMessagingService",
    "ResourceId": 73,
    "DeviceIp": "",
    "ComPort": "COM12",
    "IsMessageDelivered": false,
    "RetryCount": 3,
    "IsRetryRequired": true,
    "_messageHeader": ":*HF601011471",
    "_messageText": "XHC 9228 BULK - 0050 -熔树脂",
    "_delayedMessageText": "",
    "_counter": 0
    "$type": "OPCMessagingService.StackLight, OPCMessagingService",
    "ResourceId": 73,
    "DeviceIp": "",
    "ComPort": "COM16"
"UpdateDate": 20150120,
"UpdateTime": 223043,
"CurrentDate": 20150124,
"CurrentTime": 151513,
"CurrentMessage": "XHC 9228 BULK - 0050 -熔树脂"
  "74": {
"$type": "OPCMessagingService.Resource, OPCMessagingService",
"SiteID": 2,
"ResourceID": 74,
"ProcessOrder": "001000375455",
"CurrentStatus": 0,
"CycleTime": 40,
"DeviceList": [
    "$type": "OPCMessagingService.LED, OPCMessagingService",
    "ResourceId": 74,
    "DeviceIp": "",
    "ComPort": "COM9",
    "IsMessageDelivered": false,
    "RetryCount": 3,
    "IsRetryRequired": true,
    "_messageHeader": ":*HF601011471",
    "_messageText": "XHC 9228 BULK - 0040 -投树脂和剩料:",
    "_delayedMessageText": "",
    "_counter": 0
    "$type": "OPCMessagingService.StackLight, OPCMessagingService",
    "ResourceId": 74,
    "DeviceIp": "",
    "ComPort": "COM5"
"UpdateDate": 20150120,
"UpdateTime": 224143,
"CurrentDate": 20150124,
"CurrentTime": 151513,
"CurrentMessage": "XHC 9228 BULK - 0040 -投树脂和剩料:"
  "75": {
"$type": "OPCMessagingService.Resource, OPCMessagingService",
"SiteID": 2,
"ResourceID": 75,
"ProcessOrder": "001000375456",
"CurrentStatus": 0,
"CycleTime": 50,
"DeviceList": [
    "$type": "OPCMessagingService.StackLight, OPCMessagingService",
    "ResourceId": 75,
    "DeviceIp": "",
    "ComPort": "COM17"
    "$type": "OPCMessagingService.LED, OPCMessagingService",
    "ResourceId": 75,
    "DeviceIp": "",
    "ComPort": "COM13",
    "IsMessageDelivered": false,
    "RetryCount": 3,
    "IsRetryRequired": true,
    "_messageHeader": ":*HF601011471",
    "_messageText": "XHC 9228 BULK - 0020 -投矿物油和橡胶、抗氧剂,升温",
    "_delayedMessageText": "",
    "_counter": 0
"UpdateDate": 20150120,
"UpdateTime": 225331,
"CurrentDate": 20150124,
"CurrentTime": 151513,
"CurrentMessage": "XHC 9228 BULK - 0020 -投矿物油和橡胶、抗氧剂,升温"


I able serialize this and de serialize this in one application but when i try to de serialize this in another application which obviously has a different name space. and i get an exception

在JSON'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2 [[System.Int32,mscorlib],[OPCMessagingService.Resource,OPCMessagingService]],mscorlib'中指定的错误解决类型.路径"$ type",第1行,位置138.

Error resolving type specified in JSON 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[[System.Int32, mscorlib],[OPCMessagingService.Resource, OPCMessagingService]], mscorlib'. Path '$type', line 1, position 138.

在其他应用程序中反序列化Json String时,我尝试执行以下操作,但我不能采取其他措施来反序列化此对象

I have tried to do the following while de serializing the Json String in another application and it does not work what else can i do to de serialize this object

 public static T GetRedisKeyValue<T>(string key)
        if (key.Trim().Length > 0)
            using (ConnectionMultiplexer redisClient = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(GetRedisConfiguraion()))
                IDatabase redisDB = redisClient.GetDatabase(); // Getting database connection
                string temp = redisDB.StringGet(key);
                Type type = typeof(T);
                JObject jsonObject = JObject.Parse(temp);
                jsonObject["$type"] = type.FullName + ", " + type.Assembly.FullName;
               // JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(temp);
                return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(temp, new JsonSerializerSettings { TypeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.Objects, TypeNameAssemblyFormat = System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.FormatterAssemblyStyle.Full });
        return default(T);




The format of the "$type" is officially hardcoded to include the CLR namespace of the sending system. So, you can either:

  1. 重命名CLR命名空间以匹配发送系统的命名空间,或者

  1. Rename your CLR namespaces to match those of the sending system, or

DefaultSerializationBinder 的子类化并用于通过在 JsonSerializerSettings.Binder 中进行设置,可以在反序列化期间重命名CLR名称空间名称. .

Subclass the DefaultSerializationBinder and use it to rename the CLR namespace names during deserialization by setting it in the JsonSerializerSettings.Binder.


The following is a first cut at doing this:

public class NamespaceMappingSerializationBinder : DefaultSerializationBinder
    public string FromNamespace { get; set; }

    public string ToNamespace { get; set; }

    public override Type BindToType(string assemblyName, string typeName)
        string fixedTypeName;
        if (FromNamespace != null && ToNamespace != null)
            fixedTypeName = typeName.Replace(FromNamespace, ToNamespace);
            fixedTypeName = typeName;
        var type = base.BindToType(assemblyName, fixedTypeName);
        return type;


Then, when you deserialize your JSON, set the Binder in the JsonSerializerSettings like so:

JsonSerializerSettings settings = new JsonSerializerSettings { TypeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.Objects, Binder = new NamespaceMappingSerializationBinder { FromNamespace = "From Namespace", ToNamespace = "Your Namespace" } };

上面的类型名称解析非常粗糙.我在这里找到了更聪明的解析器:如何解析C#泛型类型名称? .您可能还需要扩展自定义Binder以具有映射字典.

The type name parsing in the above is extremely crude. I found a much smarter parser here: How to parse C# generic type names?. You might also need to extend the custom Binder to have a dictionary of mappings.

类似地,如果您需要在序列化时重新映射名称空间名称,并且在.Net 4.0或更高版本中工作,则可以覆盖 BindToName .

Similarly, if you need to remap the namespace names on serialization, and are working in .Net 4.0 or above, you can override BindToName.


08-07 03:58