


I've seen a few similar questions to this one, but they seemed to be primarily addressing different environments than what I am using, so I hope this isn't a repeat.

我正在尝试在Windows 7上使用XAMPP在本地服务器上的Laravel 4.2中进行测试迁移.当我尝试运行php artisan migrate时,出现错误:

I am trying to do a test migration in Laravel 4.2 on my local server using XAMPP on Windows 7. When I try to run php artisan migrate, I get the error:

  could not find driver

migrate [--bench[="..."]] [--database[="..."]] [--force] [--path[="..."]] [--pac
kage[="..."]] [--pretend] [--seed]


Most other suggestions I've seen are in regards to the php.ini file, but I do have the necessary line uncommented:



And it appears to be running when I view my phpinfo():

API Extensions          mysql,mysqli,pdo_mysql

PDO Driver for MySQL    enabled
Client API version      mysqlnd 5.0.11-dev - 20120503 - $Id:
                        bf9ad53b11c9a57efdb1057292d73b928b8c5c77 $


My only thought is that it might be an issue with my running XAMPP on ports 81 and 3307 instead of the default 80 and 3306 (although I believe I do have XAMPP's config files correctly configured, since I've been able to run other applications fine on these ports). Are there any other Laravel config files I might have missed though?

编辑11/15 我看到在此处中也有类似的问题,但值得的是,该用户的错误是在安装过程 之后发生的(它似乎是通过Laravel而不是通过php.ini文件解决的).这个特定的问题似乎与安装过程本身有关,并且似乎对至少少数在其他版本的问题中找不到特定答案的人有所帮助.

Edit 11/15I see that there was a similar question asked here, but for what it's worth it appears that that error for that user had occurred after the installation process (it appeared to have been resolved through Laravel instead of through the php.ini file). This specific problem appears to have been related to the installation process itself, and appears to have help at least a few people that also were unable to find the specific answer in other versions of the question.



This can happen for a Number of reasons.Either the Default DB type is not set (config/database.php),or the Extension is not enabled,or you HAVE enabled the extension but have NOT restarted XAMPP,or the PATH settings under environment settings are not properly defined.

我建议您检查出可能解决此问题的答案: https://stackoverflow.com/a/25336292/2745485

I suggest you check out this answer which may solve the issue: https://stackoverflow.com/a/25336292/2745485



08-07 03:56