本文介绍了在Redis Cluster中使用Lua时应该指定完整的密钥名称,还是可以仅传递#标签?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有正在考虑迁移到Redis Cluster的Lua脚本

I have Lua script which I'm considering migrating to Redis Cluster

在调用 eval 时,我应该指定完整的键名吗?还是仅通过指定主题标签就可以逃脱?

Should I specify full key names when call eval?Or can I get away just by specifying hashtags?

例如,我只希望传递{UNIQUE_HASH_TAG}而不是{UNIQUE_HASH_TAG}/key1{UNIQUE_HASH_TAG}/key2 ...等

For example, I wish to pass only {UNIQUE_HASH_TAG} instead of {UNIQUE_HASH_TAG}/key1, {UNIQUE_HASH_TAG}/key2 ... etc


I have lots of keys, and logic is pretty complicated - sometimes I end up generating key names dynamically but within the same hash tag.


Would I violate some specifications by passing just hash tags instead of key names?



否,规范没有说明密钥名称需要显式传递. KEYS/ARGV机制已准备就绪,可以为群集做准备,但实际上尚未出现群集.当时,哈希标记还不是集群设计的一部分,因此推荐是为了避免在脚本中进行硬编码/动态生成键名,因为无法保证它们将位于同一集群哈希中插槽.

No, the specs do not state that key names need to be explicitly passed. The KEYS/ARGV mechanism was put in place in preparation for the cluster but before the cluster actually came to be. At that time, hash tags were not a part of the cluster's design so the recommendation was to avoid hard-coding/dynamically generating key names in scripts as there's no assurance they'll be in the same cluster hash slot.


Your approach is perfectly valid and would work as expected. I do want to emphasize that this only makes sense if you're managing a lot of the so-called {UNIQUE_HASH_TAG}s - otherwise you'll be hitting just a few slots which could become a scalability challenge.


EDIT: All that said, you really should always explicitly pass the key names to the script rather than tricking. While this isn't currently blocked, this unspecified behavior may change in the future and result in breakage of your code.

这篇关于在Redis Cluster中使用Lua时应该指定完整的密钥名称,还是可以仅传递#标签?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-07 03:27